Xu Shen is from Zhaoling, Runan. He is simple and heavy by nature. When he was young, he studied Confucian classics extensively. Ma Rong, a master of Confucian classics, often respects him. At that time, people said, "The Five Classics are unparalleled in Xu". No one can surpass Xu Shen in the study of the Five Classics. The Five Classics refer to Zhouyi, Shangshu, Shijing, Book of Rites and Chunqiu. (Xu Shen did) The county's meritorious deeds were promoted to Chang Yan again. Died in his own house. At that time, Xu Shen thought that the interpretation of the Five Classics was confusing, so he wrote fourteen different meanings of the Five Classics, all of which were handed down to the world.