(1). Guan Bai. "The Book of Essentials": "Nine clans are both harmonious and harmonious." Kong Chuan: "The people are a hundred officials." "Mandarin Zhou Yuzhong": "The official is not easy, and the money is inexhaustible; Ask for everything and do nothing; Mrs. Zhao Min and Shu Ren are also in the interest of serving the country. "
(2) people; People. The oath of Thailand: "The people have it, and it is being applied to one person." Confucius' Ying Da Shu: "This' Shu Ren' and the' Shu Ren' are both called the world's public." "The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan": "What is enough for the people is not enough? If the people are insufficient, are you enough? "