#abilitiestraining# The *ideas of "Mozi" in the introduction are mainly reflected in chapters such as "Universal Love", "Friends", and "Cultivation of the Self". The following is the original annotation of the Chinese classic "Mozi": Seven Sufferers shared by Kao.com. Welcome to read and reference!
Seven troubles
Zimozi said: The state has seven troubles. Who are the seven patients? If the city walls, ditches and ponds cannot be defended and the palaces can be managed, there will be one trouble; if the border country reaches the border (2), and the neighbors cannot save it, there will be two troubles. First, the useless achievements of the people's power will be done, and the incompetent people will be rewarded. The people's power will be useless, and the treasures will be wasted. Guests are the three troubles; officials hold on to their salary, while tourists love to be distinguished (3). The king practices laws to court his ministers, but the ministers are frightened and dare not brush them off. These are the four troubles; the king thinks he is wise and wise but does not care about things, and he thinks he is safe and strong. There are five dangers when there is no defense, and the neighbors do not know how to plan. Those who trust are unfaithful, and those who are loyal do not believe, which are the six dangers. There are not enough livestock and grains to eat, and the ministers are not enough to serve them. Rewards cannot be joyful, and punishments cannot be powerful. , seven diseases.
If you live in a country with seven kinds of troubles, there will be no country; if you defend a city with seven kinds of troubles, the enemy will overwhelm the country. When the seven calamities are met, the country will be in trouble.
Every grain is something that the people look up to, and the king takes care of it. Therefore, if the people have no respect, the king will have no support; if the people have no food, nothing can be done. Therefore, food cannot be neglected, land cannot be neglected, and use cannot be neglected. If all the grains are harvested, the five flavors will be controlled by the Lord; if they are not harvested completely, the five flavors will not be completely controlled. Failure to harvest one grain is called famine, failure to harvest two grains is called drought, failure to harvest three grains is called disaster, failure to harvest four grains is called feed (4), and failure to harvest five grains is called hunger.
If there is a famine during the year, officials and officials and below will lose one-fifth of their salary; if there is drought, they will lose two-fifths; if there is bad luck, they will lose three-fifths; if they are fed, they will lose four-fifths; If you are hungry, you will have no income and will just give you food. Therefore, when evil and famine exist in the country, the king will eat five-fifths of the food (5), the officials will clear the county (6), the scholars will not go to school, and the clothes of the king will not be made of leather; the guests of the princes and the envoys from the neighbors will eat in vain It is not prosperous (7); it is clear that the food is clean, and it is not coated with Yun (8). The horses do not eat millet, and the maids and concubines do not wear silk. This is the end of the insufficiency.
Nowadays, there is a person who drags his son to drink. He leads his son in the well (9), but he does not have to teach him the way. This year is unlucky, the people are hungry and the country is hungry. His son feels guilty for this, but he can't detect the evil! Therefore, when the year is good, the person is benevolent and good; when the year is bad, the person is stingy and evil. Why do people always have this! If the person is sick and eats too much, he will not have a good year.
Therefore, it is said: When there is insufficient wealth, the opposite is true; when there is insufficient food, the opposite is true. Therefore, the ancestors used the time to generate wealth, consolidate the foundation and use the wealth, and then the wealth will be sufficient. Therefore, even though there was a sage king in the previous world, how could he make the crops harvest always and droughts and floods not come? But what if there are no cold and hungry people? His strength is urgent but he is frugal in supporting himself. Therefore, "Book of Xia" says: "There was water in the seventh year of Yu." "Book of Yin" says: "There was drought in the fifth year of Tang." This is far from severe and hungry (10), but why are the people not freezing and hungry? It is the secret of wealth and the discipline of its use. Therefore, if the storehouse is not prepared with grain, you cannot wait for severe famine; if the storehouse is not prepared with troops, you cannot conquer without justice; if the city is not prepared, you cannot defend yourself; if your heart is not prepared, you cannot respond to the attack (11), if Qing Ji has no intention of letting go and cannot let go easily.
Hu Jie was not prepared for the soup, so he let him go; Zhou was not prepared for the force, so he killed him. Jie and Zhou were noble emperors and were rich in the world. However, why did they all perish under the rule of Baili? There is wealth but no preparation. Therefore, preparation is the most important thing for the country. Food is the treasure of the country; soldiers are the claws of the country; cities are the means of self-defense; these three are the tools of the country.
Therefore, it is said: Use it to reward those who have done nothing; empty their treasury to prepare chariots, horses, clothes, and strange things; suffer their servants to manage the palace and enjoy entertainment; die and be rich. The coffins are mostly made of clothes and fur. When he was alive, he managed the terraces and pavilions, and when he died, he repaired the tombs. Therefore, the people are suffering from the outside, and the treasury is only from the inside (12). The superiors are not tired of the joy (13), but the inferiors cannot bear the suffering. If the homeland is separated from the invaders, the enemy will be injured, and if the people see the danger and hunger, they will die. These are all crimes that are not prepared for. Moreover, those who eat food are the treasure of the sage. Therefore, "Book of Zhou" says: "If the country does not have enough food for three years, the country is not a country; if the family does not have enough food for three years, the son is not a son." This is called national preparation.
(1) This article first analyzes the seven disasters that have caused danger to the country, and then points out that the fundamental way for the country to prevent and control disasters is to increase production and save money, and to analyze the situation at that time. The rulers' practice of exhausting their people's efforts and treasury wealth in pursuit of a hedonistic life raises a stern warning. (2) Bian: The word "enemy" is wrong. (3) Jiao: Tong "Jiao". (4) Feedback: through "shortage", lack. (5) Five-fifths: Suspected to be "three-fifths". (6) County: Tong "Xuan", which refers to hanging musical instruments such as bells and chimes. (7) Yong: regarded as "meal", referring to breakfast and dinner. (8) Tu: Pass the "road". (9) Team: Pass "fall". (10) Li: Tong "盹", suffering. (11) Death: Tong "sudden". (12) Single: Tong "殚". (13) Disgust: refers to "satisfaction", contentment.
Mozi said: There are seven kinds of disasters in the country.
What are these seven woes? Building palaces and palaces when the inner and outer cities and trenches are insufficient for defense is the first kind of disaster; the enemy troops are pressing down on the territory and neighboring countries are unwilling to come to the rescue, which is the second kind of disaster; the people's strength is exhausted on useless things, and there is no reward. Talented people, (as a result) the people's strength is exhausted by doing useless things, and the treasures are used up by entertaining guests. This is the third disaster; those who are officials only want to keep their salaries, and those who are not in official positions only care about making friends with the party. , the king revised the law to kill his ministers, and the ministers were afraid and did not dare to disobey the king's orders. This is the fourth kind of disaster; the king thought he was holy and wise, but did not interfere with the affairs of the country; he thought he was stable and strong, but did not make defense preparations, and neighboring countries surrounded him. If you are planning to attack him but don't know how to be on guard, this is the fifth kind of disaster; if someone you trust is unfaithful, but if a loyal person is not trusted, this is the sixth kind of disaster; if there is not enough livestock and food to eat, the ministers will not be able to deal with state affairs. Order, rewards cannot make people happy, and punishments cannot make people fear. This is the seventh disaster.
If there are these seven disasters in governing a country, the country will surely be destroyed; if there are these seven disasters in defending a city, the country will be destroyed. Whichever country the seven disasters exist in, there must be disaster in that country.
Grains are what the people rely on for their lives, and they are also what the monarchs use to feed themselves and the people. Therefore, if the people lose their reliance, the king will have no support; once the people have no food to eat, they cannot serve. Therefore, we must step up the production of food, cultivate the fields as much as possible, and use money sparingly. If all the grains are harvested, the king can enjoy the five flavors. If there is not a good harvest, the king will not be able to enjoy it to the fullest. Failure to harvest one grain is called famine, failure to harvest two grains is called drought, failure to harvest three grains is called misfortune, failure to harvest four grains is called scarcity, and failure to harvest five grains is called hunger.
In bad years, one-fifth of the salary will be reduced for officials from the official level down; in drought years, two-fifths of the salary will be reduced; in bad years, one-fifth of the salary will be reduced. 3. In years of scarcity, four-fifths of the salary will be reduced; in years of hunger, all salary will be waived and only food will be provided. Therefore, when a country encounters severe famine, the king will withdraw three-fifths of the food, the officials will not listen to music, the scholars will not go to school to farm, the king will not make new court uniforms, and guests from the princes and envoys from neighboring countries will come. At that time, the food was not rich, the four horses were removed from the left and right, the roads were not repaired, the horses did not eat food, and the maids and concubines did not wear silk. This all told that the country was very tired.
Now if a person carries a child to the well to draw water and the child falls into the well, then the mother must try to rescue the child from the well. Now in the famine years, people starve to death on the road. This kind of tragedy is more serious than a child falling into a well. Can we ignore this situation? When the year is good, the people will be kind and docile; when the year is bad, the people will be stingy and vicious. How can the temperament of the people be determined? If there are few people producing and many people eating, it is impossible to have a good year.
So it is said: If you are short of money, you should pay attention to the farming season; if you are short of food, you should pay attention to economy. Therefore, the ancient sages produced wealth according to the farming season, established a good agricultural foundation, and saved expenses, so their financial resources would naturally be sufficient. Therefore, how could even the sage kings in previous lives be able to make the grain harvest always abundant and prevent floods and droughts? But (at that time) they never suffered from cold or starvation. Why is this? At this time, they prided themselves on being frugal because they worked hard to farm according to the farming season. "Xia Shu" says: "There were floods for seven years during the Yu period." "Yin Shu" said: "There were five years of drought during the Tang period." The famine suffered at that time was severe enough, but the people did not suffer from cold or hunger. Why is this? Because they produce a lot of money and use it frugally. Therefore, if there is no food in the granary, we cannot prepare against famine in bad years; if there are no weapons in the arsenal, even if we are righteous, we cannot attack the unjust; if the inner and outer cities are not complete, we cannot defend ourselves; if we do not have a heart of caution, we will not be able to defend ourselves. Unable to cope with sudden changes. It's like Qing Ji doesn't want to leave, so he can't leave easily and die.
Jie was not prepared to defend against Tang, so he was exiled by Tang; Zhou was not prepared to defend against King Wu of Zhou, so
was killed. Although Jie and Zhou were noble emperors and rich in the world, they were both destroyed by the kings of small countries with a radius of hundreds of miles. Why is this? It's because although they are rich, they don't take precautions. Therefore, prevention is the most important thing for the country. Food is the treasure of the country, weapons are the minions of the country, and the city is used to defend itself: these three are the tools to maintain the country.
Therefore it is said: Give rewards to those who have done nothing; use up the reserves in the treasury to purchase chariots, horses, clothing, and strange things; make the soldiers and slaves suffer to the end. He built palaces and entertainment venues; after his death, he made heavy coffins and made many clothes. When he was alive, he built terraces and pavilions, and after his death, he built tombs. Therefore, the people suffered externally, the internal treasury was depleted, the monarch above was not satisfied with their enjoyment, and the people below could not bear the suffering. Therefore, when the country encounters enemies, it is damaged, and when the people suffer from famine, they die. This is the sin of not taking precautions in ordinary times. Besides, food is also precious to saints. "Book of Zhou" says: "If the country does not prepare three years of food, the country cannot become the country of this monarch; if the family does not prepare three years of food, the children cannot be the children of this family." This is called "national reserve" (the country's basic reserve).