Yin Wen, Taoist works. The full name is "Wen Chang Di Yin Jun Wen". It was compiled in the name of Wen Chang's brushwork (that is, Fu). The age of this book is unknown. Say no later than the end of 16. The full name of Wenchang Emperor is Fuyuan Wenchang Emperor Lu, or Zitong Emperor and Zitong God. In China, according to legend, in order to master the god of human heritage, scholars in the old days worshipped it.
Not the Tao Te Ching.
The full text is as follows: Wen Chang's first Yin Jun
The emperor said, I am a scholar-bureaucrat in the 17th century, and I have never abused people or officials. It is difficult to save people, but urgent to help others. Sympathize with the loneliness of others and tolerate others. A broad shadow line in the sky. If you are as thoughtful as I am, God will bless you. Therefore, it is taught that when the prison is ruled by the public, the horse's door will be opened. Sinus helps others, and five branches are highly folded. Save the ant, the only choice, bury the snake and enjoy the honor of the prime minister. If you want to plant Futian widely, you must be careful. It is convenient to do all kinds of yin work. Benefit things and people, cultivate goodness and goodness. An upright generation of heaven, kindness to the country and people, loyalty and filial piety to the Lord, and respect for brothers and friends. Or worship the truth, or worship the Buddha and recite the scriptures. Repay Sean. Three religions spread widely. Saving is as urgent as saving a dried fish, and saving a crisis is like saving a sparrow. Have pity on the widowed, respect the elderly and pity the poor. Take measures to protect food, clothing, housing and transportation from hunger and cold, and give a coffin to avoid exposing the remains. Family wealth helps relatives, and hunger helps neighbors and friends at the age of 20. The struggle should be fair, not light and heavy. Handmaiden to forgive, should be more harsh. Print scriptures and create temples. Give medicine to relieve suffering, and give tea to quench thirst. Or buy things and set them free, or abstain from killing. Often see insects and ants, not burn mountains. Light a night light and build a river boat to help people cross. If you don't climb the mountain, you won't poison fish and shrimp. Don't kill the cow, don't throw away the paper. Don't seek other people's property, don't envy their technology, don't seduce their wives and daughters, and don't incite their disputes. Don't ruin a man's fame and fortune, and don't ruin a man's marriage. Don't let personal grudges cause discord between brothers. Don't make a man and his son unhappy because of small profits. Don't bully others and insult kindness, and don't bully others and bully the poor. Good people get close to them and help them to be good physically and mentally. The wicked are far away, and Yu Mei is in trouble. Always hide evil and promote good, don't be duplicitous. Cut hazelnuts to get in the way, except for tiles. Build a rugged road for hundreds of years and a bridge for thousands of people. Teach people to be honest and donate money to be beautiful. Do things according to nature and speak according to people's heart. See xian Si Qi thick soup wall, cautious only know the shadow, evil, the pursuit of all kinds of good, never add evil to the face, often supported by the god of auspicious. The near newspaper is in oneself, and the far newspaper is in children and grandchildren. Hundred blessings go hand in hand with reality, and everything comes together. Did you get the winner from the ghost!