The human heart is like the benevolence of things, and the benevolence of plants and trees can fill its heart. Bai Zi is kind and moist, but he can clear his hands and reduce the yin and heart meridian, which is a product of peace of mind and nourishing his heart. If the mind is uneasy, it will make the patient feel frightened, and the frightened person will be very calm; Bai ren enters the heart, so it can play a role in relieving convulsion and regulating sleep when it is combined with other drugs that nourish yin and heart, such as Tianwang Buxin Dan.
Platycladus orientalis is woody, can nourish the liver, tastes fragrant and yellow, and does not hinder the spleen. So Zhang Xichun also put it in Jianling Decoction for regulating liver and lowering blood pressure to treat liver-qi pain. Another Zhang once recorded a case, "When treating a teenager named Mao in a neighboring village, his liver was always damaged and his left pulse was weak. One day, he suddenly felt pain under his side, so he could only use one or two leaves of Platycladus orientalis and take decoction for treatment." From this perspective, Bai Ziren is good at regulating and nourishing the liver.
It is also very subtle to use Baiziren and Bushen gunpowder together. Because the heart and kidney are connected, if you are guilty, the fire of life will definitely not last long. Fire will be more effective if the heart is still. For example, Seven Prescriptions Ban Long Pills, Psoralea corylifolia and Semen Platycladi are used together, which can help both fire and water and heart and kidney. Strengthening the heart and strengthening yang is more effective than simply warming the kidney.
It should be noted that Platycladus orientalis contains a lot of oil, which is too wet and easy to move stool. The compatibility of Wuren Pills is mainly used to treat constipation caused by intestinal dryness. If the stool is untrue, it is recommended to suck some oil with paper. Use with caution those with loose stools.