When the first emperor heard about it, he rewarded their family. And her father wanted to live up to the emperor's wishes, so he named her Mofu. The emperor wanted the girl to work in the imperial court, but she was rejected by Xu. Xu's father was puzzled and asked his daughter why you didn't go. Her daughter predicted that the world would soon become very chaotic, even if she went by herself.
He used his daughter to say such a thing, which naturally made him angry. Because her father felt that such a statement would violate the country, I am sorry for the expectations of my late emperor. After a while, the world was really unstable. Xu's father especially wanted to help the country and asked his daughter what to do. The daughter hopes that her father can strengthen his power and not oppose the imperial court. She should draw in some thoughtful ministers.
In fact, this woman is still very powerful, and she has never missed it in her life. Finally, there is a good ending. Later, I took refuge in Liu Bang and had a lifetime of prosperity.