Three pillars of world economic development

The three pillars of world economic development are WTO, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB).

1, WTO

The predecessor of the WTO is the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) concluded in 1947. Compared with GATT, WTO covers trade in goods, services and intellectual property rights, while GATT only applies to trade in goods.

Its basic principle is to realize the goal of world trade liberalization by implementing the principles of market opening, non-discrimination and fair trade. Its purpose is to expand the production and trade of goods and services on the premise of improving living standards and ensuring full employment, and to realize the optimal allocation of global resources in accordance with the principle of sustainable development.

2. International Monetary Fund

Its responsibility is to monitor the currency exchange rates and trade conditions of various countries, provide technical and financial assistance, and ensure the normal operation of the global financial system (exchange rate supervision, financing, and providing a place for international monetary cooperation and consultation).

3. World Bank

One of the largest intergovernmental financial institutions in the world. The initial task was to help rebuild the country that was destroyed in World War II. Today, its mission is to help the country overcome poverty, and various institutions play a unique role in the mission of alleviating poverty and improving living standards.

The World Bank Group includes the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Development Association and three other institutions. These five institutions focus on different areas of development, but all use their comparative advantages to achieve their ultimate goal, that is, poverty alleviation. Its function is to help underdeveloped member countries achieve economic development by providing loans for productive projects and providing guidance for reform plans.

The purpose of the WTO

1. Improve living standards, ensure full employment, and substantially and steadily increase real income and effective demand.

2. Expand the production and trade of goods and services.

3. Adhering to the road of sustainable development, members should promote the optimal utilization of world resources, protect and maintain the environment, and strengthen various corresponding measures to meet the needs of members with different levels of economic development.

4. Make active efforts to ensure that developing countries, especially the least developed countries, get shares and benefits commensurate with their economic development level in the growth of international trade; Establish an integrated multilateral trading system.

5. Establish a complete, more dynamic and lasting multilateral trading system by drastically reducing tariffs and other measures.

6. Based on the principles of openness, equality and reciprocity, gradually reduce the tariff and non-tariff barriers of member countries and eliminate the discriminatory treatment of member countries in international trade.

7. In dealing with the relationship between trade and economic undertakings among SCO members, we will strive to reach mutually beneficial agreements and greatly reduce tariffs and other trade barriers and discriminatory treatment in political and international trade with the goal of improving living standards, ensuring full employment, ensuring the huge and sustained growth of real income and effective demand, expanding the full utilization of world resources and developing commodity production and exchange.

The above contents refer to Baidu Encyclopedia-World Trade Organization.