Look at how the ancients slept.

Primitive people hardly talked about the place when they slept, but fell to the ground and fell asleep. It was a long time before people slept on wooden beds above the ground. With the appearance of etiquette, there are certain rules for sleeping, among which "sleeping without words" and "sleeping without corpse" (The Analects of Confucius-Emerging in Difficult Times) are the most important two. I'm afraid the quilt covered by sleeping is also clothes at the earliest. As the saying goes, "Dress every day and cover yourself with a quilt at night" may indeed be true in ancient times. Later, there was a special quilt. Ancient quilts are as rectangular as modern ones, and one side of the sleeping head is called "quilt head". Some people are dissatisfied with this shape of quilt, and think that after it is made into a square shape, "you don't have to find the quilt head when you sit or sleep" (Notes on the Old Learning Temple, Volume 2), but this is a joke after all and has never been really implemented. As for the duck down quilt, it appeared as early as the Tang Dynasty. Liu Yao wrote in the "Ling Biao Ji": "Southern toast, choose the fine hair of goose, and put it in cloth and silk to make a quilt. As gentle as carrying it. " In the way of sleeping, the ancients paid attention to "sleeping with the heart", "sleeping with the heart, sleeping with the eyes, it is too late to sleep", and "sleeping unintentionally, sleeping soundly" (Volume VI of Random Feeling), which is quite in line with modern scientific truth. Non-holy fasting: The above is selected from "300 Topics on the Cultural History of China" by Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House.