Computer wallpaper size

The standard size of computer wallpaper is related to the monitors currently used.

The size of a general computer desk is: 890 * 460 * 980 (mm); Desktop computer desk at:1400 * 500 * 760 (mm); Generally, a table with a length of 1.2m is1200× 600× 750× 25mm; 1.4m computer desk: length 1400× width 600×750×25mm;; 1.6m computer desk is located at: length 1600× width 600×750×25mm. The following steps are given to query the resolution:

Required materials: computer.

First, click the "Win" button in the lower left corner of the desktop.

2. Click "Control Panel" in the pop-up start bar menu.

3. Click "Appearance and Personalization" after entering the control panel.

4. Then click to open "Adjust screen resolution".

The recommended resolution shown here is the best size of computer desktop wallpaper.