Ancient books scanning software

The scanning function of minimalist scanning is completely free, and the function of generating PDF can be used 6 times a day for free. Even if it is used up today, it can automatically refresh the number of times the next day.

But considering the complex algorithm used to scan books, the scanning process will be more complicated than a single scan. So Aji has prepared this article, which simply demonstrates how to scan books quickly and well through mobile phones.

Step 1: Open the Minimalist Scan-Scan-Surface Book.

Step 2: The software will automatically recognize the left and right contours of the page-click the photo button (1 below).

Step 3: The software will automatically generate four edge lines for the page-click Finish to adjust the edge lines (Figure 2 below).

Step 4: Finished, continue to scan the next page! (Figure 3 below)

1 / 2 / 3

After scanning, we can generate PDF or do text recognition as needed.

Text recognition of generated PDF

However, although the App will help us complete most of the work, there are still some precautions that need our attention. Pay attention to these points, and you can scan books quickly and well.

1. The distance between the mobile phone camera and the scanned file is moderate.

The lens is too far away from the book to identify which page you want to scan. The lens is too close, and the edge of the book is not in the picture, so it is naturally unrecognizable. The following figures are two error demonstrations respectively.

Left: The lens is too far away from the book/Right: The lens is too close to the book.

2. The scanned document needs to have a certain contrast with the background color.

The software will recognize the contour according to the color difference, and if the colors are too close, it will lead to the contour recognition error. For example, in the picture below, Aji uses a very exaggerated state to demonstrate that the software may default the range of white paper to the outline of the scanned file.

In addition, when the background is a stripe pattern with little color difference from the scanned document, the same situation may occur, which can be avoided in advance.

3. Try not to put other sundries in the scanning range.

In addition to the contrast between the scanned document and the background color, it is also necessary to try to keep the scanning interface free of other sundries. The following figure is an exaggerated demonstration made by Aji, and the software may be confused. Hey, do you want to scan the book, earphone box or a piece of A4 white paper?