Q: Why is August 15th called "pat pat"? A: In my opinion, there is a word in British and American slang called prat, which has a similar pronunciation to pat and the same meaning as buttock (***), so it may be the origin of this word. The following is the dictionary explanation: Word: Prat (n.) Definitions: (1)(slang) The buttocks. (2)(context
slang) A fool. Etymology: The word prat is known to have meant "buttocks" since the 16th century and was originally criminals" slang but is otherwise of unknown origin. The British slang sense of "dolt" or "fool" is recorded from the 1970s. As for pronunciation You can refer to the following web page: dictionary.reference/browse/prat Of course, the above is purely my suggestion. There may be ancient books and the word "畳" is used, which is probably similar to PP (butt, that is, buttocks), JJ/younger brother (male). Sexual organs, i.e. sexual organs, *** (female ***) and other important parts of the body are expressed in similar ways.
Reference: (1)allwords/word-prat(2)dictionary.reference. /browse/prat
In fact, everything crosstam0998 said makes sense.
Could it be that when hitting, there is a "papa" sound?
And then it is pronounced as "pat pat"?
Because it is August 10th The moon is very round
It looks like "pat pat"!