1. Confucius said, "Learning from time to time is not as good as learning from time to time, is it? Isn't it a pleasure to have friends coming from afar? " I don't know and I don't care. Aren't you a gentleman? "
2. Confucius said, "A gentleman is not satisfied and is not safe. If he is sensitive to things and speaks carefully, he will know the right way and be honest. "
3. Confucius said: "I am determined to learn five out of ten, stand at thirty, not be confused at forty, know my destiny at fifty, listen to my ears at sixty, and do what I want at seventy, without exceeding the rules."
4. Confucius said: "Being rich and expensive is what people want; If you don't follow the path, there is nowhere. Poverty and meanness are human sins; Don't go if you don't get it by the way. Isn't it good for a gentleman to be famous when he goes to benevolence? " If a gentleman doesn't finish a meal, he will violate benevolence. If he tries again, he will be unhappy. "5. Confucius said," Ok, come back! A spoonful of food, a spoonful of drink, in the mean lane, people can't bear their worries, and they won't change their fun when they go back. Hyun-jae, come back "
6. Confucius said, "The knower is not as good as the knower, and the knower is not as good as the knower." 7. Confucius said: "Those who are born with knowledge are also in the world; Those who learn and know, second; Learn from difficulties, secondly; It is better for the people if they are stuck and don't learn. 8. Confucius said: "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous. "
9. Confucius said: "By! What do you regret knowing? Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, and knowing is knowing. "
10. Confucius said, "A gentleman wants a gentleman to speak slowly but act quickly." 6. Excerpted from "Zhuangzi of the Doctrine of the Mean in Laozi University"1/section "Laozi"
1. Chapter 7: Forever and ever. The reason why heaven and earth can grow is because they were not born. Therefore, you can live forever.
It puts saints and bodies first; Living outside your body. Not because of its selfless evil? Therefore, it can be private.
2. Chapter 33: He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise. The winner is strong, and the winner is strong. The contented are rich. Those who are strong have aspirations. Don't lose its position for a long time. Those who die but not die are still alive. 3. Chapter 8 1: Good words are not beautiful, and no one believes them. Good people don't argue, and debaters are not good. Those who know don't know, those who know don't know. University extract
1. If the ancient desire is obviously superior to the world, rule the country first, and if you want to rule the country, you must first get a family; If you want to reunite with your family, you should first repair your body; If you want to cultivate yourself, you should be upright first; If you want to be correct, be sincere first; To be sincere, you must know first, and you must know the style. 2. The so-called self-cultivation is right, it is wrong to be angry, to be afraid, and to be happy; If you are worried, you may be wrong. Absent-minded, blind, listening but not smelling, eating without knowing its taste, this is called cultivating one's morality with the right heart.
Excerpts from The Mean
1. Learning is close to knowing, doing is close to benevolence, knowing shame is close to courage, and knowing three is so self-cultivation; You know how to cultivate yourself, you will know how to govern people, and you will know how to govern the country. 2. Everything is ready, and nothing is ready. Make a decision first; Not sleepy in advance; Don't be guilty before you go; There is no poverty before the road.
3. Honest people, heaven also; Honest people, people's way is also. An honest man, unwilling to work hard, gets it without thinking, goes with the times and becomes a saint. Those who are sincere choose good and stubborn. Be knowledgeable, interrogate, think carefully, distinguish clearly and persist. Excerpt from Zhuangzi
1. There is a fish named Kun in Beiming. Kunda, thousands of miles away. Become a bird. Its name is Peng. Peng's back is thousands of miles away. Fly away angrily, its wings hang in the sky like clouds. If it is a bird, shipping will migrate to Nanming. South ghost, Tianchi also. 2. Hehe said, "Peng moved to Nanming, and the water hit three thousand miles. It was Jiu Wan Li who climbed up and went to rest in June. "
3. Qu Quezi asked Chang Wuzi: "My listener teacher said that saints don't do things, don't seek benefits, don't violate harm, and don't like seeking. Bak Yan said it was meaningless and meaningless, but swam out of the dirt. Master thought Meng Lang's words, and I thought it was a wonderful trip. " My son thinks Ciro? "
VII. Paragraph 6 of Mencius
1. The weather is not as good as the geographical position, and the geographical position is not as good as people. The city of three miles, the country of seven miles, was invincible when attacked by the Lord of the Rings. If the husband attacks it, it will be the right time, and if it is invincible, it will be the right place. The city is not too high, the pond is not too deep, the army is not very profitable, and there is not much rice, so it is not as good as people and peace.
Therefore, the people in the territory do not take the edge of the frontier, the country does not take the risk of mountains and rivers, and the benefits of the world are not taken.