Twenty-two years, Zheng Miaogong died, and Zizi became Gong Ling.
In the spring of 200 A.D., the State of Chu presented Yun to Gong Ling. Zi Jia and Zi Gong would face each other. When Zi Gong moved his forefinger, he said that Zi Jia said, "If you move your finger, you will eat foreign things." When I went in, I saw Gong Ling eating soup. Zi Gong smiled and said, "Sure enough!" Gong Ling asked him why he was laughing, so he told Gong Ling. Gong Ling called it and gave it to him alone. Zi Gong got angry, dyed his finger and tasted it. Public anger, want to kill the child. Son first. Xia, kill the spirit. Zheng people want to set up a spiritual brother to get rid of the disease, and they say, "Be virtuous and get rid of the disease." If you must be smooth, then your son will become stronger. "Strong, mentally and ordinary brother, is a sick brother. Therefore, Li Zijian was established for the benefit of Xianggong.
Gong Xuan's four-year Zuo Zhuan
Zhai Chu people dedicated this huge catfish to Zheng. Son Song and his family will meet. Zi Gong showed his forefinger to his family and said, "One day I will taste a strange smell when I do this." As soon as he enters, Zaifu will solve the problem and smile at each other. Ask the public, the son will sue, the doctor will eat, and the son will be blessed. When Zigong got angry, Liang pointed to the tripod and took a bite. Public anger, want to kill the child. Son first. Zi Jia said, "You old beast, but you still dare not kill it. What is the situation? " For the son family, the son family is afraid and embarrassed. Xia, kill the spirit. The book says: "Zheng Gongzi came back from the dead to kill the king." Lack of motivation. The gentleman said, "Different people have different opinions, and the wise have different opinions." Anyone who kills a gentleman is called a gentleman, and he has no way; Being a vassal is also a vassal's crime. One day, Song's son Zheng and Song's son went to see Zheng. Song, the son who was about to enter the palace gate, suddenly stopped, raised his right hand and said to his son with a smile, "Look!"
Zi Jia looked at Gong Zi's hand inexplicably and saw his forefinger move. He shook his head, stretched out his right hand, moved his index finger and said, "Who wouldn't!" Zige laughed and said, "Do you think I make my forefinger tremble? Don't! This itself is moving. Don't believe you take a closer look! " Zijia watched carefully for a while, and then moved her index finger. Sure enough, the jitter of Gongzi's index finger is different from his own. Zige proudly shook his head and said, "It seems that there is something delicious waiting for us today! In the past, as long as your index finger moved, you could always taste novel delicacies! "
Zijia is skeptical. When they entered the palace, they found that the cook was cutting a cooked turtle into pieces. This turtle is very big and was given to Zheng by the Chu people. Zheng saw that the turtle was very big and could be eaten by many people, so he decided to give it to the doctors. My son couldn't help but give his son Song a thumbs-up sign. Childe song smiled and shook his head. Seeing that they were so unruly, Zheng frowned and asked, "What are you laughing at?" Zijia told this story just outside the palace gate. Zheng listened and said vaguely, "Oh, is it really so effective?" I won't say anything more.
After a while, the doctor came. Chinemys reevesii, which was cut into pieces, was put into a tripod (a bronze cooker used to cook food at that time) and put into a basin by a cook. It was first given to Zheng and then to the doctor. Zheng Xian tasted it and praised it: "It tastes good!" I ordered someone to give me a tripod of soup, like a pair, from the next table to the next table. Just arrived at Block 1 or 2, there is only one pot left. But there is not a turtle. Gong Ling said, "Give it to your son's family." Before Zaf brought Tang back to life. When they arrived, everyone ate with relish. However, Song Gongzi just sat there. It turned out that there was nothing on the console table in front of him
Childe song embarrassed, face red and white. He looked at Zheng, who was eating soundly and joking with the doctors. He didn't seem to notice him at all. He looked at Zijia again and saw Zijia in a hurry to eat, making faces at him. Childe song was more than I could bear, suddenly stood up, walked to the front of the cauldron, dipped his finger, tasted it, and then swaggered out. Gong Ling was so angry that the stadium was in chaos. This is another story, don't mention it. And the word "get your hands on" comes from this.