The whole sentence of this sentence is: Heaven is evil for prostitution. Its report is very fast. I'm not afraid MengMeng is ignorant. If you check it, don't repair it. That is, disaster is coming. Well, there are many people. Listen to instructions. Wei Huidi Ji. Since ancient times. Not good at disaster reduction.
God often brings disasters to lecherous people, and the retribution is particularly fast. Fools turn ignorance upside down like a dream, fearless. If the world indulges its behavior without discipline, then disaster will come at any time. Dear students, please listen to my advice: since ancient times, only by accumulating virtue and doing good can you get a blessing; Violation of heaven, crime, is bound to suffer.
Wenchang Emperor: A deity worshipped by Han people and Taoism, who is in charge of the fame and wealth of scholars. The original star name of Wenchang, also known as wenchang star, or satellite, was regarded as the star that presided over the literary movement in ancient times. Emperor Wenchang, who became a Han Chinese and Taoist believer, was related to Zitong God Zhang Yazi. In the second year of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (374), yu zhang, a native of Shu, claimed to be the King of Shu, rose up and rebelled against Fu Jian, the former Qin Dynasty, and died heroically. People built the yu zhang Temple for him in Qiqu Mountain in Zitong County, honorably calling him Razer Dragon God. At that time, there was also a Zitong Shenzi Temple in Qiqu Mountain. Because the two temples are adjacent, later generations collectively called them Zhang Yazi, and said that Zhang Yazi died as an official in the Jin Dynasty. This is actually about Zhang Yuzhi in the Book of Jin.