If you look at the clouds, look up, three or four hundred miles. Look across, go to Sang Yu, a thousand miles, two thousand miles. Climb high and look far, and those who follow it live three thousand miles. The man with the beast in the cloud wins.
Seen from the south of China, the gas is black and red. In the suburbs of Gaosong and Sanhe, the gas is red. North of Changshan Mountain, dark green. Between Bo, Jie, Hai and Dai, qi is black. Between the river and the Huaihe River, the gas is white.
Just angry and white. The soil is yellow. When cars are angry, they tend to gather. Riding a humble cloth. I'm dying. Those who are humble before and high after are sick. First high and then low are sharp. After being sharp and humble, but. He who is calm moves slowly. The former is higher than the latter, not only that, but also the opposite. Those who meet Qi, humble wins high, sharp wins the party. Those who follow the driveway angrily will only see you in five or six miles in three or four days. Angry people are seven or eight feet tall, but see you in five or six days. If you are angry for more than twenty feet, you will see it in fifty or sixty miles in thirty or forty days.
Those who carry clouds are fierce, and those who fear them are afraid. Those who are far from their roots will fight. The low white wins. Those printed in the past are invincible. Chen Yunru stands like a wall. Like a cloud. Pomelo cloud scissors. Like a cloud, like a rope in the head, it will take a long time. Those who fly in the clouds are like battle flags. Gouyun sentence All these clouds have five colors. However, Lu Ze is densely populated and moving, but it is occupied. Soldiers must stand up and fight together.
What Wang Shuo is waiting for depends on the sky. In the clouds around the sun, people are the main image. Are all like its shape.
Therefore, the qi of the northern yi is like a herd, and the qi of the southern yi is like a boat flag. Where there is flood, there will be defeat and national destruction, and there are springs below and treasures above, which must not be ignored. There is a weather tower by the sea, and the wide fields are full of air. Clouds and gases are like people piling up in their mountains and rivers. Therefore, waiting for consumers to enter depends on the rectification of the frontier, the nourishment of the castle, and the essence of clothing and livestock products. Those who take real benefits are lucky, and those who waste them are fierce.
If smoke is not smoke, if cloud Feiyun, melancholy Xiao Suo around, it is called Qingyun. See Qingyun, beaming. Fog is not fog, clothes are not covered, and the city follows armor.
Lightning, rainbow, calendar, night light, sun be the spirit, spring, summer, autumn and winter, so those who wait for books die.
Everything in the county was created, and the earth shook. Landslides, plagues, and rivers. The length of water is the length of land. The walls are closed, and the taste is moist and withered. The temple comes first, and the people come second. Folk car clothes, look at people's diet. Look at crops and plants and see where they belong. Barn, barn, four-way road. Six kinds of animals and beasts, what they produce will disappear. Fish, turtles, birds and mice, pay attention to where they are. Ghosts cry and they meet people. Lies, yes.
Whether it is beautiful or evil, wait until you are old. At the beginning of the year or winter solstice, natural gas production began to sprout. Tomorrow people will be old, eating and drinking, so they are yang, so they will be old from the beginning. The first day of the first month, the first year of Wang. The beginning of spring, the beginning of the four civilizations. Four starts, waiting for that day.
And Han Wei Ji Xian Lamin set the Eight Winds in the first month. The wind is blowing from the south and there is a great drought. Southwest, there is a slight drought. To the west, there are soldiers. Northwest, Rong, Xiaoyu, interesting soldiers. North, middle age. Northeast, last year. East, big water. Southeast people have diseases and epidemics, and they are always evil. Therefore, the eight styles are different, and the more classes, the better. More wins, less wins, longer wins, and illness wins Xu. It is wheat when you eat it. When the sun goes down, it is millet. Fall, for millet. From bottom to bottom, I am an uncle. It was hemp from the second day to the third day. I want to have clouds and winds all day, and at the right time, it is deep and solid. When the clouds disappear, there will be a windy day. At that time, it was shallow and unreal. And Feng Yun, the death that day, at that time, was profound but untrue. One day, the dark clouds will disappear without losing Feng. If you eat it, you will lose. That is, five dou meters, lost. The wind is up again. With clouds, their crops are up again. It is appropriate for each species to use cloud color at that time. Rain, snow, cold, old evil.
It's sunny. Listen to the voices of the people in Du Yi. The palace of sound is beautiful, Ji. Shang, there are soldiers. Levi, drought. Feathers, water. Horn, old devil.
Or calculate the rain in the first month. The rate of solar eclipse rose from one liter to seven liters. Pass it, don't take it. Count to twelve, count to the month, and count the floods and droughts. It is the first month of the year, because it occupies a thousand miles around, that is, the weather of the world. The moon leaves the country, and the sun, wind and clouds occupy it. It is inevitable to find out where Tai Sui is. Gold, wool. Water, destruction. Wood, hunger. Fire and drought. This is also a great experience.
In the first month, the wind comes from the east, which is suitable for sericulture. From the west, if there is Huang Yun, evil.
The winter solstice is short, the county soil charcoal, charcoal movement, elk horn, orchid root out, spring out. You have to know the sky and the scenery.
My husband changed little by little at the age of 30, once in a hundred years, once in five hundred years, changed three times together and prepared for three years, which is also a big number.
There were 36 eclipses and three comets in the Spring and Autumn Period. There were no stars at night, and a star fell like rain at night. When the time came, the disaster needed to be dealt with, and the Zhou family was weak and resentful, killing 36 vassals and subjugating 52 countries. There are countless governors who cannot protect their country. After that, there are naturally more people and fewer people, big and small. Qin, Chu, Wu, Guangdong and Yidi were also strong. Tian usurped Qi, and the three clans were divided into Jin and fought for the Warring States. Soldiers were lifted and cities were slaughtered. Because of famine and disease, the minister is very worried, and he is particularly eager to see the stars. In modern times, the twenty kings and seven kingdoms were kings, and the gossipers followed, the astronomers' essays on current affairs accounted for miscellaneous rice and salt, and the dead could be recorded.
Zhou died in Qin. At the time of the first emperor, he saw comets four times in fifteen years, which lasted for eighty days or even several days. After the Qin dynasty, the soldiers were also six countries, and the four barbarians were busy outside and died in a big mess. And Mars stays in Antares, and Mangjiao City is as red as chicken blood. The first emperor died, killing each other, and the second emperor ascended the throne, killing each other, which was too white to reach the sky. Because of Zhang Chu's strength, Qin died.