Yang turns into qi, and qi has the power of metaplasia. Yin can form a body or substance. When it is extremely cold, it will produce heat. The extreme heat will produce cold, and cold and heat can be transformed into each other. Cold is turbid, and heat is clear. When the air is clean, it is born. The air should have risen, but it will leak (dinner) in the morning. Turbid gas should be reduced on the upper side, but the upper side is full of abdominal distension.
This does not follow the law of yin and yang, so the disease is also divided into shun and reverse.
Clear yang is the sky, turbid yin is the ground. The earth's atmosphere rises to clouds and the weather falls to rain. Although rain falls from the sky, it comes from the earth's atmosphere. Although the cloud rises from the earth's atmosphere, it needs to support the evaporation of the weather. Yin and Yang transform and depend on each other. Clear yang exits the eyes, ears, nose and mouth from the upper orifices, while turbid yin exits from the lower orifices. The qi of clearing yang emanates from acupoints, and the qi of turbid yin is injected into the five internal organs. Clear Yang Can, enrich and nourish limbs, and turbid yin belongs to six fu organs.
Water is yin and fire is yang. Yang is qi, which is classified as intangible and also refers to ability, while Yin is flavor. Taste belongs to shape, and shape belongs to qi. Qi belongs to essence, and the rising of qi lays the foundation for storing essence. Essence should have qi as energy to produce life. The growth of the body depends on five flavors to provide energy.
Metaplasia can change energy into essence, and qi can repair shape. Taste can also damage shape, and qi can also damage essence. Essence can change qi, and qi can hurt taste.
The taste belongs to yin flowing out of the lower orifices and yang flowing out of the upper orifices. Thick taste is yin, and thin taste belongs to yang in yin. Thick qi is yang, while thin qi is yin in yang. The strong flavor will drain, and the weak flavor will pass. When the gas is thin, it will be vented, while when the gas is thick, it will be hot.
Yang hyperactivity leads to qi failure, while micro-qi exuberance. Yang hyperactivity consumes qi, and qi eats small fire. Yang hyperactivity turns qi, while micro-yang can nourish and replenish qi with small fire. In the smell, the pungent and sweet main body diverges into yang, and the sour and bitter main body rises and discharges into yin.