How to make PS with white background? What is the operation method?

1. matting: select the "magnetic lasso tool" in the toolbar or hold down the "Shift+L" key, click somewhere on the edge of the car to generate a "starting point", and move the mouse along the edge of the car to generate paths and nodes, which are attracted to the edge by the magnetism of the object.

2. If the suction force is not accurate enough, you can press the "Delete" button to delete the newly generated nodes, and you can click the mouse to forcibly add nodes at any time during the whole process to make the matting smoother.


3. If you want to get an accurate selection, you can press the "Ctrl++" key several times at any time during the matting process to enlarge the picture as much as possible. In the magnified state, you can hold down the "space" key and move the mouse to pan the image at any time during the matting process.

4. When approaching the starting point, click at the starting point to get the selection, and press and hold "Ctrl+0" to see the whole picture.

5. Make a white background picture: press "CTRL+J" to copy the image of the selected area completed in the previous step to "Layer 1", and click "Eye" of the background layer to hide the background layer.

6. Click "New Layer" in the lower right corner of the Layers panel or press "Ctrl+Shift+N" to drag it to the lower layer of "Layer 1", and then press "Ctrl+Delete" to fill "Layer 2" with white, and a picture with a white background is completed.