What you are asking is the comment given by Sima Guang. The original text is as follows:
Minister Guang said: Only the death of Zhi Bo can win virtue. A person's talent and virtue are different, but the secular can't distinguish them, which shows that he is a virtue, so he loses people. Fu Cong believes that strength and decisiveness mean talent, while honesty and neutrality mean virtue. Talent is the capital of virtue; De is handsome. Therefore, he is a saint with both talent and morality, a fool with both talent and morality, a gentleman with morality, and a villain who wins. If you learn to be excellent, you will be an official, and you will not get a sage or a gentleman, or a villain or a fool. What is this? A gentleman thinks he is good, but a villain thinks he is evil. Think that what you are good is good; People who think they are evil are also evil. Although fools want to be bad, they are not wise and invincible. For example, a suckling dog fights with people, and people can control it. Villains have enough wisdom to commit adultery and courage to decide their violence, and even those with tiger wings will not do more harm ... So, if you take the country as your home, if you can judge the difference between talent and morality and know its order, why not?