Does myasthenia gravis belong to the category of flaccidity syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine?

Myasthenia gravis belongs to the category of flaccidity syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine and should be treated from the spleen. Both seek from the kidney.

Spleen governs limbs, muscles and transport in traditional Chinese medicine. After digestion, the spleen converts the nutrients ingested by the body into the essence of water grains and transports it to all organs of the human body. All organs of the body can only function after receiving nutrition. However, myasthenia gravis can not get nutrients, or the nutrients obtained are not enough to supply the nutrients needed for muscle exercise, so that the muscles gradually atrophy. One reason is that the spleen is weak and cannot support muscles, which leads to muscle weakness. Another reason is that the spleen and muscle support channels are blocked (that is, the spleen meridian and spleen collaterals are blocked), which leads to muscle weakness.

Another reason is that the congenital endowment is insufficient, or the kidney essence is damaged, or the spleen deficiency involves the kidney for a long time, and the kidney's warming ability is insufficient, which can not normally assist the spleen and stomach decomposition. Shui Gu's subtlety may also lead to muscle weakness.