Wang Anshi was once a prime minister, but it was said that he was sloppy at that time. After getting up every morning, he doesn't brush his teeth or wash his face, puts on his clothes and goes straight out. Wang Anshi was walking in the street, and no one could see that he was the prime minister. Everyone thought he was a beggar.
You are unkempt, you don't like to take a bath or wash your hair, so it's not surprising that there are lice in your hair. After Wang Anshi got married, his wife was a very clean person. Everything in the house, big and small, is well taken care of, and the house is clean inside and outside.
But only for Wang Anshi, he can do nothing. Although he was often advised to take more baths, Wang Anshi refused. Busy with official business every day, I immediately hid in the study as soon as I got home. Tired from working in the study, I fell asleep directly. I really have no time to take a shower.
Because he didn't like taking a bath, Wang Anshi made a joke. For a time, his wife saw Wang Anshi's face was particularly black and thought she was ill. So I asked the doctor to go home and help me diagnose. After the doctor diagnosed, he said hesitantly, it's time for adults to wash their faces.
Hearing this sentence, Wang Anshi's wife suddenly blushed. I prepared something for a bath and asked Wang Anshi to take a bath. Wang Anshi said: My face is black, and it is useless to wash it. Then he ran away and his wife was helpless. Once when Wang Anshi was in the imperial court, lice crawled on his beard, even the emperor saw it, and the emperor made fun of him.