What is the highest state of life?

I personally feel that the highest state of human beings is domination and conquest. This is the essence of humans and animals, but humans are just pretending. You may think this is an argument, but you might as well think about it. Since the beginning of life on this earth, every living thing has been running around and trying every means to get what it wants. War and conquest have started since that day. People keep saying that they want to fight to eliminate war, but the essence is not war and conquest. There are also people who talk about invisibility, and this and that are all nonsense. There are people among them, but they are not suitable and do not like to live in this world of disputes, so they choose to escape from a reality. This cannot be said to be a first-level realm. It can be said to be an escape. Maybe you also think that if you conquer too much and you own too much, won’t it all be gone by the time you die? Wrong, if you have gained too much until you die, your actual material things may be gone, but your spiritual material things will be gone. That is, your honorary name, whether you do good or bad things, if you have more, you will have a great reputation when you die, whether it is good or bad.