Registration, noun used as a verb, to create a household register or register. Ji Li Min means registered officials and common people. This sentence is selected from "Hongmen Banquet". The original text is: When I entered the pass, I didn't dare to get close in autumn. I was a civil servant, sealed the treasury, and waited for the general.
Excerpts from the Hongmen Banquet
Original text: Pei Gong offered wine as a gift for longevity and promised marriage, saying: "When I enter the pass, I will never dare to come close in autumn. He was a civil servant and sealed the treasury, waiting for the general. Therefore, he sent generals to guard the gates to prepare for possible thieves.
Translation: Liu Bang toasted to Xiang Bo with a glass of wine. They agreed to marry their sons and daughters and said: "When I entered Guanzhong, I didn't dare to take anything for myself. I registered the officials and people, closed the warehouse and waited for the arrival of the general. The reason why generals were sent to guard Hangu Pass was to prevent other thieves from coming in and unexpected changes.
The basic meaning of book
1. Book, volume: ancient book. books. Scriptures. Classics.
2. Register of affiliations; affiliation: place of birth. Household registration. Country of Citizenship. Student status.
3. Registration: registration (mò). Officials and people.
4. Expropriation: Ji Tian.
5. [Jiji] ① describes the great disturbance; ② describes the great reputation; ③ describes the criss-crossing appearance.
6. The collective name for various taxes in ancient times.