He also said: "Yuan Yanbo was a famous scholar. When he saw Duke Xie, he laughed and said: "I have tried to deal with people in the north of the Yangtze River, and I am particularly cunning. ?Yan Bo then wrote with chopsticks. Note: Hong regards Xiahou Taichu, He Pingshu and Wang Fusi as the first famous scholars. Ruan Sizong, Ji Shuye, Shan Juyuan, Xiang Ziqi, Liu Bolun, Ruan Zhongrong and Wang Junzhong are famous people in the bamboo forest. Pei Shuze, Le Yanfu, Wang Yifu, Yu Zisong, Wang Anqi, Ruan Qianli, Wei Shubao and Xie Youyu were famous figures in China and the DPRK.
Also said: When Huan Xuanwu went to the north, Yuan Hu followed him and was dismissed from his post. At the meeting, a written notice was posted, calling Yuan Yi in front of the horse and ordering it to be made. I kept writing and got seven pieces of paper, which is very impressive. Dongting is on the side, and I am very impressed by his talent. Yuan Huyun: "It's time to make a profit between the teeth and the tongue." ?
He also said: Yuan Hong began to write poems about the Eastern Expedition, but he did not follow Tao Gong. In the narrow room of Hu Nuyu, he raised his white blade and said: "The great deeds of our ancestors are like this, why should I ignore them when I write a poem about the Eastern Campaign?" Hong was embarrassed and had no idea, so he replied: "I am a great master, why are you saying nothing?" Because he recited: :? Fine gold can be refined hundreds of times, it can cut through, and its merit can cure people. It can calm chaos in the job, and Changsha's merits have been praised by history. ?Note: Continuation of Jin Yangqiu:?Hong joined the army for the Grand Sima Ji Office. Later, he wrote poems about the Eastern Expedition, and he was praised by all the famous people across the river. When Huan Wen was in Nanzhou, he said: "I will never be as good as Huan Xuancheng." ? At that time, Fu Tao was in Wen Mansion, and he was talking to Hong Shan. Hong smiled and refused to answer his bitter admonishment. The eloquent secret is used to warm up, and the warmth is very indignant, and it is used to promote the literary sect of the time. I also heard that this poem has a sound, and I don't want to be asked about it. Afterwards, we traveled to the Qingshan Mountains, drank some wine, and returned home. The public order came with us, and everyone was in danger. A few miles away, I asked Hong: "I heard that you wrote poems about the Eastern Expedition and were often called sages. Why is he not as good as the king of the family?" Hong replied: "I don't dare to use the title of "respecting the public", so I haven't submitted it yet, so I don't dare to show it. ears. ?Wen Naiyun: ?Why do you want to say this? Hongji replied: ?The wind is scattered and clear, and it may be searched or cited. Although the body can perish, the road cannot perish, so the festival of the city is declared, and faith is allowed. ?The warmth stopped. The two theories are different, so they are described in detail. ?
The chapter on Chongli says: Huan Xuanwu invited Shenzuo to stay at the house. Yuan Hong and Fu Tao came one after another and came to Mingfu. When Yuan joined the army again, Yan Bo was suspicious, so he made the mission more qualitative. The mission said: "It is Yuan who joined the army, and Yuan Fu is the one who joined the army. Why should I doubt it!"
The light slander chapter said: "Huan Gong entered Luo and passed by." In the northern border of Huaisi, he and his subordinates climbed up to the Pingcheng Tower, looked out at the Central Plains, and said with emotion: "This caused the mainland of China to sink and ruins that lasted for hundreds of years. Wang Yifu and others had to take responsibility for it." Yuan Hu responded bluntly and said: "Luck has its own destiny, how can it be everyone's fault?" Duke Huan was stunned, and he sat down and said, "You have heard that Liu Jingsheng has a big bull that weighs a thousand catties." It eats stubble beans ten times as much as an ordinary ox, and carries a heavy load for a long distance, which is no longer as good as a piece of shit. When Wei Wu entered Jingzhou and cooked food for the soldiers, everyone was very happy about it. Yuan Yuan was sitting there in shock, and Yuan Yuan also lost his countenance.
It is also said: Yuan Hu and Fu Tao were both in Duke Huan's mansion. Whenever Duke Huan went to a banquet, he would always order Yuan Fu. Yuan was very ashamed of him and sighed: "The Duke's kindness is not enough to honor the country's scholars. How can he be humiliated like Fu Tao!"
Appendix 3: Historical records and miscellaneous essays
Chronicles of the Sui Dynasty (compiled by Tang Wei Zheng and others):
Thirty volumes of the Later Han Dynasty, written by Yuan Yanbo.
Chronicles of Classics in the Old Tang Dynasty (compiled by Liu Yu in the Later Jin Dynasty):
Thirty volumes of the Later Han Dynasty, written by Yuan Hong.
New Tang Dynasty Calligraphy and Literature Chronicles (compiled by Song Ouyang Xiu and others):
Thirty volumes of Yuan Hong's Later Han Dynasty.
Chongwen General Catalog (edited by Song Wang Yaochen and others):
Thirty volumes of Later Han Dynasty, written by Yuan Yanbo.
Bibliography of Sui Chu Tang (written by You Yuan of the Song Dynasty):
Yuan Hong's Records of the Later Han Dynasty.
Tongzhiyiwenlue (written by Zhengqiao of the Song Dynasty):
Thirty volumes of the Later Han Dynasty, written by Yuan Hong.
Song History, Art and Literature (compiled by Yuan Tuotuo and others):
Thirty volumes of Yuan Hong's Later Han Dynasty.
Wenyuange Bibliography (edited by Yang Shiqi and others in the Ming Dynasty):
Yuan Hong's Later Han Chronicles in six volumes, Que.
●Zhutang bibliography (written by Ming Ye Sheng):
Five volumes of Yuan Hong's Later Han Dynasty.
Catalog of books collected by Shishantang (edited by Ming and Chen):
Thirty volumes of Yuan Hong's Later Han Dynasty.
Bibliography of Jiangyunlou (written by Qian Qianyi of Qing Dynasty):
Yuan Hong's Chronicle of Han Dynasty. Chen Jingyun notes: Thirty volumes. A native of the late Jin Dynasty, Huan Xuanwu was a guest.
Catalog of Shugutang's collection of books (written by Qian Zeng of the Qing Dynasty):
Yuan Hong's Later Han Chronicles, thirty volumes, ten volumes.
Bibliography of Jicangwei Collection (compiled by Ji Zhenyi of the Qing Dynasty):
Thirty volumes of the Later Han Dynasty (a bibliography of miscellaneous editions of the Song and Yuan Dynasties).
Catalog of the Wenrui Lou Collection (written by Jin Xingjin of the Qing Dynasty): ?
Shi Tong (written by Liu Zhiji of the Tang Dynasty):
Liujia Chapter: Wei Ji Biography The one who created the chronology discussed Xun and Yuan's works.
The Comments and Praises chapter says: Every time Zuo’s biography was published in the Spring and Autumn Period, he was called a hypocrite. The second biography is written by Yun Gong Yangzi and Gu Liangzi, and the Shi Ji is written by Yun Tai Shigong.
Then Ban Gu said praise, Xun Yue said commentary, Dongguan said preface, Xie Cheng said interpretation, Chen Shou said commentary, Wang Yin said discussion, He Fasheng said description, Yang Xiong said compilation, Liu Bing said memorial, Yuan Hong and Pei Ziye showed themselves. The names are Huangfu Mi and Ge Hong. Written by historians, they are generally called historians. Its name is Wanshu, and its meaning is Kuei. Whatever is convenient for the time will always be praised. He also said: We must look for the gains and losses, examine the similarities and differences, the son's growth is indifferent and tasteless, the succession is slow and indifferent, talented people appear from time to time, and they belong to the same discipline in different generations. Meng Jian's speech is gentle and elegant, and his reasoning is pleasant. Especially the beautiful ones have the style of classic edicts, are graceful and graceful, and can be chanted well. Although Zhongyu's principles are long, they are lost in their prosperity. Since then, I have been wandering around and forgetting to return. Most of them are more beautiful than real, less rational than literary, praising their eloquent words and praising their deeds. We must choose those who are good, then Qian Bao, Fan Ye, and Pei Ziye are the best, Shen Yue, Zang Rongxu, Xiao Zixian are the second best, Sun Anguo is not good enough, but when he is good at chiseling, he is impressive. If Yuan Yanbo's affairs were disguised as mysterious words, and Xie Lingyun's lofty and lofty arguments were unreasonable, how could he have said that? Wang Shao aimed at simplicity, but his words were also despicable, and he failed to understand the reason, so he forgot his writing. This is what you call benevolence after observing it.