Confucius said, "The week of gentlemen is incomparable, and the week of villains is incomparable." A gentleman thinks for everyone, and a crisis is not just his personal grievances, but the villain is the opposite. I think it's really a gentleman and a hero to stay calm in times of crisis!
"A gentleman is figurative, and a villain is figurative." Gentleman, always think about everyone's safety, with goodwill and conscience; Little people only care about the interests of things, regardless of the right or wrong of things, just want to get benefits. Today's society lacks this fearless spirit.
But there are two kinds of gentlemen, real gentlemen and hypocrites. People praise honest and upright people, and actions are more important than words. You only learn from books, but you can't follow your own actions. I don't know what to do if I read too many books. A true gentleman seeks the Tao without food, and worries about the Tao without poverty.
But what kind of realm should a real gentleman reach? There are three principles: the benevolent is not worried, the wise is not confused, and the brave is not afraid. Zi Gong praised his master Confucius many times as a gentleman, but Confucius always said no, he was still far from it. This is just a modest remark. This Confucius is really a gentleman!