The meanings of red wavy lines and green wavy lines in Word documents are as follows.
Red wavy line: word's system thinks there may be a spelling mistake here.
Green wavy line: word's system thinks there may be a grammatical error here.
Methods of removing green wavy lines from Word documents;
Click Tools-Options-Spelling and Grammar in the menu bar, uncheck Mark Grammatical Errors When Typing and remove the check mark before Hide Grammatical Errors to stop displaying green wavy lines.
Methods of removing red wavy lines from Word documents;
1. Click Tools-Options-Spelling and Grammar, clear the check boxes "Check spelling while typing" and "Check grammar while typing", and then click OK. ?
2. To hide underlined words marked with errors, select the check boxes "Hide spelling errors in documents" and "Hide grammatical errors in documents".
3. To check or correct spelling and grammar errors, after the document is completed, click Tools-Spelling and Grammar, and the wavy part of the original text will be displayed as a color font in the dialog box. If there are no errors, click Ignore. If there is any mistake, you can modify it directly in this interface, and the original text will be modified accordingly. This function is more suitable for English articles, but not accurate for Chinese articles, especially ancient Chinese.