The Biography of Huo Zhi in Historical Records has the following records: Fan Li, who was ashamed of the record, sighed shamefully: "The more you use the fifth strategy of Ji Ran, the more proud you are." Now that it has been applied to the country, I want to use it. "He took a boat drifting in the rivers and lakes, changed his name, and got a purple skin. His pottery was Zhu Gong. Zhu Gong believes that in the world of pottery, princes have four links, and commodities can be traded. This is the law of production and accumulation. Keep pace with the times and don't complain. Therefore, if you are good at life, you can choose people and be in the right place at the right time. In nineteen years, I paid three thousand yuan, and then I dispersed and made friends with the poor. This so-called rich and wise man is also. The year after next, I heard from my grandchildren that my children stopped studying, so I reached a big number. Therefore, those who say they are rich are called Tao Zhugong.
The following website is the biography of Huo Zhi in Volume 129 of Historical Records of Baidu Encyclopedia. Go and have a look. At the beginning, there is a part about Fan Li.