How to convert jpg file into pdf and recognize text?

First, using Adobe Acrobat software can directly scan and make PDF files. Exercise:

1) Install the scanner.

2) Open Adobe Acrobat software, select File > Import > Scan in the above menu, select your scanner in the dialog box that appears, and then follow the prompts to make a PDF file step by step. Save the file carefully.

Note: PDF files made by this method cannot be edited and pasted because they are graphics.

Second, using Hanwang Text Network software can directly scan and make word documents. Exercise:

1) Install the scanner.

2) open Hanwang text network software, select file > scan from the menu above, and scan the basemap according to the prompts.

3) Select "Identify" in the menu above; "Start recognition", the scanned image is recognized as text.

4) Select "Output" in the menu above, and select an output format (PDF, RTF, TXT, etc. ) You need it.

Note: If "Precise Layout Recovery" is selected in the system configuration, the output word document will be in the same format as the basemap.

Documents made in this way can be edited and modified.