Buddhist disciples follow the guidance of Buddhism, such as practicing Buddhism. If they can achieve meditation above the second meditation, they can practice magical powers. Among the five magical powers, one is called Fate Tong, which can know the past and future through meditation observation. With the depth of practice, the length of time spent watching is different. The Great Arahant achieved Sanming's liberation, knowing 80,000 robberies in the past and 80,000 robberies in the future. Bodhisattvas in ten places can know the constant sand robbery in the past and the constant sand robbery in the future, and the Tathagata can know everything in the past and future of the infinite world in ten places.
Taoists and Indian pagans have a decisive understanding of the practice of Buddhism. If they can know the past 500 years and the next 500 years, they can know what happened to Jambu-Di^pa people in the past 7 generations and the future 7 generations.