The old gentleman said: the avenue is invisible, giving birth to heaven and earth; The avenue is ruthless, and the sun and the moon run; The avenue is nameless and everything grows; I don't know its name, so I said it. Husband and Tao: clear and turbid, dynamic and static; The sky is clear and turbid, and the sky is still. Men are clear and women are turbid, and men move and women are quiet. Everything comes into being. The source of turbidity is clarity, and the basis of quietness is movement. People can always be quiet, and heaven and earth will eventually return.
My wife is so clear, but my heart is uneasy; People are so quiet that they want to take it away. I can often do what I want, but I am calm and clear-minded. Natural six desires are not born, and three poisons are destroyed. So, I can't, because my heart is unclear and I don't want to send it. Can be sent, look at the heart, the heart is helpless; The appearance has its shape, and it has its shape without its shape; From a distance, there is nothing. All three are enlightened, only in the air; Empty view, empty; Nothing, nothing; Nothing, nothing, Zhan Ran is often silent; Can you live without silence? It's so quiet not to be born. Really always respond to things, really often get sex; Always be quiet, always be quiet. So calm down and gradually enter the truth; When you enter the true Tao, you are called Tao. Although you got the Tao, you got nothing. In order to transform all beings, it is called the way; People who can understand can preach the holy word.
The old gentleman said: the staff sergeant does not dispute, but the corporal quarrels; Where there is virtue, there is virtue. Persistent people don't understand morality. All sentient beings are false, because they can't be true. If you have a false heart, you will surprise your God. It not only surprised its gods, but also caught everything; Since everything has been created, it is greed; Greed is trouble; Worry and delusion, worry about body and mind; He was humiliated in the troubled times, wandering about life and death, often sinking into the sea of suffering, and never distorting the Tao. The Tao is true, the enlightened one is complacent, and the enlightened one is always quiet.
The immortal Ge Weng said: I learned the truth and recited it ten thousand times. This scripture was learned by heaven and man, and it was not passed on to corporal. I was influenced by Donghua Emperor, Donghua Emperor was influenced by Golden Que Emperor, and Golden Que Emperor was influenced by the Queen Mother of the West. The Queen Mother of the West is passed down by word of mouth and doesn't remember words. I am in this world now, and I record it in the book. When the staff sergeant realized it, he was promoted to Tianguan; The sergeant repaired it, and the Nangong column was immortal; Corporal, come on, lived for many years. Cross the Three Realms and board the Golden Gate.
Zuo Xuan, a real person, said: Those who study Taoism, recite this sutra, and be good at God for 10 days, so as to support their health. Then the jade charm protects the spirit and the gold liquid is refined. Both form and spirit are wonderful, and the truth is also true.
A real person said: Everyone has this kind of experience. People who understand don't want every cloud has a silver lining, but saints are gatekeepers. God ascended to heaven and worshipped Gao Zhen. If you are full of virtue, you will feel the emperor. Never give up, flying in Ziyun.