Original text: Another time when writing, some are good and some are combined. If they are combined, they will be charming, and if they are good, they will be sparse. I will briefly explain the reasons, and each has five reasons: God is happy and busy, and one is combined; grateful for the benefit. Zhizhi is the second combination; when the time is harmonious and the Qi is moist, the third combination is; the paper and ink are mixed, the fourth combination is; and the occasional desire to write is the fifth combination. The heart is quick and the body is lingering, which is the first bad thing; the mind is bent against the situation, the second bad thing is; the wind is dry and the sun is scorching, the third bad thing is; the paper and ink are not in harmony, the fourth bad thing is; the feelings are lazy and the hands are loose, the fifth good thing is. When they are in harmony, the advantages and disadvantages are different from each other. It is better to have the right tool at the right time, and it is better to have the right tool than to have the right intention. If the five darlings are in harmony, the thoughts will be suppressed and the hands will be blocked; if the five combinations are perfect, the spirit will be integrated and the writing will be smooth. Smooth, no discomfort, confused and helpless. A benevolent person is so proud that he forgets to speak, and seldom expresses his important points; a scholar who is eager to describe the wonderful things in a style, even though the description is still sparse. He did his work in vain and failed to fulfill his purpose. Don't criticize mediocrity, but always try to make things clear; people who want to promote the rules of the past and guide the knowledge of the future, eliminate complexity and excess, and see the traces to clarify the mind.
Translation: When a calligrapher writes a book at the same time, there is a difference between success and failure (that is, the difference between success and failure, and success or failure, which has a lot to do with my mood, thoughts, climate and environment at the time. ) If they are in harmony, they will be smooth and graceful; if they are not in harmony, they will be withered and wandering. Briefly speaking, there are five situations for each of them: one is the combination of being happy in spirit and doing things quietly; the other is touching kindness and repaying close friends; the third is the mild season and pleasant climate. The paper and ink are both excellent and reflect each other, which is the four combinations; the occasional excitement, cleverness and desire to write are the five combinations. (Contrary to this,) God does not care about the house and is busy with chores. One is inconsistent; disobeying one's wishes and being forced by the situation is two inconsistent. The scorching sun and wind, hot and stuffy air are three inconsistent; the paper and ink are not coordinated, and the utensils do not fit the hand are four inconsistent. The expression Fatigue and weak arms and wrists are the five dissimilarities. Whether it is suitable or not, the quality of calligraphy performance is very different. Having the right weather is not as good as having the tools handy, and getting good tools is not as good as having a good mood. If the five kinds of differences come together at the same time, the thinking will be blocked and the writing will be unclear; if the five kinds of differences are all in one, the expressions will blend and the writing style will be smooth. There is no discomfort when you are flowing smoothly, and you are at a loss when you are stuck. People who have calligraphy skills often forget what they mean and do not want to teach people the essentials. People who want to learn calligraphy often come here to inquire about its secrets. Although they can understand some, they are often crude. It's a waste of energy and it's hard to get to the point. Therefore, instead of clinging to my own mediocre opinions, I contribute all I know in the hope of enlarging the past style and rules, enlightening the knowledge and talents of future scholars, and removing the redundancy so that people can understand it as soon as they see the discussion.
Note: The pronunciation and meaning of some words in the text
臇 (xùn)
1. Obey; Qu Cong: ~ 情. ~Private.
2. Announce to the public.
3. Same as "martyrdom"
1. Hurry; urgent: hurried ~. Urgent~.
2. Immediately; quickly: the situation is unclear and cannot be concluded.
3. Panic: panic ~.
4. Surname.
1. Same as “bar”
2. Same as “bar”.
3. Towards the end of the year: Sui~. Night~ people are quiet.
4. Unauthorized (entry and exit): ~ go out. ~ Enter.
1. Overgrown with grass.
2. Gather. Also refers to people or things gathered together: Hui (huì) ~. Outstanding ~.
Contain (è)
To prevent; to prohibit: ~ to stop. Sound ~ Xingyun. I am so angry.
1. To estimate; to speculate: ~ degree (duó).
2. Principle; principle: the same thing (the principle is the same).
3. Master; manage. Later, the positions of prime minister and cabinet minister were called Kui: with ~ Pepsi. Pavilion ~.