In fact, geomantic omen is a kind of architectural knowledge about choosing land environment, location and date. "Miscellaneous Notes on Rites" says, "The doctor's residence and burial day. Note that the house is buried in the ground. " Because both houses and burial cities are called houses, in order to distinguish them, people call the burial place a yin house. For example, One hundred and twenty in Water Margin said, "If I am buried here, it is a yin house." People will go to the grave when they die, because the ancients valued funeral, so in their minds, the importance of geomantic omen in the yin house is not less than that in the yang house, and it is even worse. The so-called yin house in feng shui refers to the grave.
Bao Zhao Jing shouted: "Ordinary people don't know the secrets of heaven, but they turn the mountain dragons upside down, causing chaos to harm the world, and disaster will come first before happiness comes." This shows the importance of doing a good job of geomantic omen.
For a long time, as the geomantic omen in the traditional culture, not only the emperors but also the common people are crazy about it, and those who are convinced that even those with higher cultural attainments are flocking to it, and they have great interest in geomantic omen. With such a huge social foundation, it is reflected in historical records, and our information consulting and planning service center of Taiping Huiyuan in Dongguan, Guangdong Province sincerely benefits the society. Modern geomantic omen is a science that explores the natural laws of human beings' choice, planning, construction, layout, adjustment, their own residence, business production, office, tourism, entertainment and even the whole urban construction system and tomb sites and makes them auspicious. (The price of private houses, shops, companies and factories varies. Please contact us by telephone.
Example of a private house:
1. Purpose: This owner adjusted its internal layout three or four months before the entrance examination in order to enable his second daughter to enter the university smoothly. So that they can meet the challenges of life with a stable attitude both physically and psychologically, so the arrangement naturally targets the couple and the second daughter.
second, family members: husband: born in 1937 belongs to the divination. Wife: Born in 1938 is a divination. Eldest daughter: born in 195 belongs to Kangua. Chang Nan: Born in 1962, he belongs to Kun Gua. Second daughter: Born in 1969, she belongs to Kun Gua.
third, the choice of macro environment (door): this door is the landing door, which is located on the word "You Geng Shen" and belongs to the west. After interacting with the second daughter's divination, it became a giant door and a lucky star. As long as you work hard, you will be on the list and will not be in vain. Because of this auspicious star. Good luck ring.
IV. Internal position:
(1) Stove (gas stove) According to common sense, the stove should be placed with the wife as the object, but the actual economic power in this family is the husband, so the pressure on the husband's fate to cooperate with his divination can make the family have no disease and no lawsuit.
(2) TV set: placed in the southwest of the wife who likes watching TV, it will not have a great impact on her family's eyesight.
(3) Bathroom: The bathroom used by this public is better placed in the fierce place of most divinatory symbols.
(4) Bed:
1. Master bedroom: mainly Mr. Therefore, it is placed in the word "Jia Mao B". Mr. Nature sleeps in the east of the bed and his wife sleeps in the west of the bed. Together, it is perfect for both husband and wife.
2. The layout of the second daughter's bedroom: the bed is in Weikun Shen (southwest), which is auspicious for the second daughter. According to the preference of * * *, the interior is fond of using god design. Its eight characters are: Youyou, Wuchen, Gengxu and Renwu. Therefore, it is calculated that XiShen is water and God is gold.
the compass is fixed in the east-accurate quality, which is famous all over the world!