The most well-known story about Amazon women warriors is recorded in the heroic epic of ancient Greece. Homer, a great poet, used a lot of pen and ink to describe the heroic spirit of Amazon women warriors, making their stories immortal. But when the ancient Greek historians found the Telmonton area, but they didn't even find a hair of the Amazon female warrior, they could only guess whether Hercules had slaughtered them all. Or were they driven to other places? Therefore, in later myths and legends, the Amazon people always moved away from their hometown, but they always lived on the edge of the world in the minds of the Greeks. It is also said that there is a branch of the Amazon people who are Scythian in Korkas in the South Caucasus. Some people even think that there are branches of Amazon in Africa. But in any case, the Amazonians are a barbaric people in the eyes of the Greeks.
Hippolyta and Penthesilea, two queens of Amazon, often appear in Greek mythology. According to legend, Hercules had to complete 12 tasks for Eurystheus, and the ninth task was to get the belt given to her by Ares, the god of war, from Hippolyte, the queen of Amazon. When Hercules arrived in Temi Schula, Hippolyte was immediately shocked by the handsome appearance of the demigod and willingly handed over her belt, but Hera, the mother of gods, hated Hercules and turned into an Amazon to spread rumors that a foreigner was going to take away their queen. So they nest, the Amazon woman warrior, fought Hercules to the death. The first battle was Aella, a storm. Although she ran as fast as a whirlwind, Hercules was even faster, and she caught up and killed Eila. The second Amazonian fell as soon as he made a move. The third one is called Prothoe Hoe. Although she has won seven one-on-one battles, Hercules killed nine female soldiers, including her. Alcippe, who vowed never to marry for life, also fell down. She didn't break her vow in her short life. When Melanippe, the invincible leader of the Amazon, was captured, others also fled, and Hippolyte also gave the belt that he had promised for a long time. On the other hand, Hercules faced the Amazon army, rode alone, and defeated the Amazon female warrior with one hand, and also killed Hippolyte.
A little later than Hercules, the legendary Athenian king Theseus also fought a war with the Amazon. Legend has it that Theseus forcibly robbed Antiope, and her sister Oreithyia vowed to avenge this, and led an army to attack Attica, an important Greek town. After four months of fighting, the Amazon army was defeated by the Athenian army. Some people say that Antioch was killed in the war. However, some people say that after the war, Antioch was killed by Theseus when he cursed the guests at his wedding (not her wedding), but he gave birth to Hippolytus for Theseus before his death.
In another myth, it is said that Hippolyte led troops to attack Theseus after his wedding, but he was killed by his sister Pentheslea by mistake in the battle. Under the pursuit of Furies, Pentheslea had to take refuge in Troy. There, the old king Priam was cleared of the crime of killing her relatives. In return, Ponte Silea joined the Trojan army. As the daughter of the God of War, she was very brave in battle, but she was killed by Achilles, the greatest hero of Greece, in the Ten Years' War. But Achilles couldn't help lamenting the death of the beautiful Penthesilea, and couldn't restrain his love for this brave and beautiful queen, but had sex with her body. Thersites, the ugliest and talkative combative in the Greek army, laughed at Achilles' passionate and abnormal lust for this matter, and was cut by Achilles in the army. This incident angered Diomedes, another greatest Greek hero, but he knew that he couldn't beat Achilles and didn't want to disturb the morale of the army, so he threw Penthesilea's body into the river Scamander.
another later story is about Thalestris, the queen of Amazon, who visited Alexander the Great and spent 13 days and nights with her to get a girl's story. Although there are 14 versions of this story before and after, it turns out to be just a fictional story. Amazons are an absolute feminist culture, but they also love Greek sculpture and painting. In the original pictures of Amazon women warriors, they were dressed like Greek soldiers, but usually only wore a breastplate. After the Persian War in the 5th century BC, Amazonian women warriors appeared in ancient books in the oriental style, wearing hats and trousers. And the description of only one breast has disappeared.
According to the latest research, the myth about Amazon women warriors can be traced back to some slave women soldiers who were armed to serve a god in ancient Asia. But the closest explanation to reality is that in ancient Greece, people exaggerated and imagined some gossip about some matriarchal clans in southwest Asia and some tribal women who lived harder than Greek women. But in any case, the myth and legend of Amazon female warrior is still one of the most popular myths and legends.
In the modern world, there are even Amazons. It was a backward matriarchal clan near Guyana in South America. They met with their neighbors regularly, mated during the party, and left the girls behind and sent them back to the boys. They only imprisoned the captives for the purpose of carrying on the family line, but in the end, the captives were from born to die. They are bloody, brave and ruthless, and hate foreign invasion most.