In fact, many people know that there are more than 3,000 disciples of Confucius, many of whom are very famous, such as Yan Hui, Luz, Zi Gong and Zi Qian, who passed on the ideas of Confucius and Confucianism after Confucius left. After all, they are really good apprentices. But Lao Tzu, as a representative of Taoist thought, must have some excellent disciples to inherit his thoughts. In contrast, Yin is indeed a practical and capable disciple.
One day, when Yin was observing the starry sky downstairs, it turned out that he was observing astronomy and geography. I didn't expect a man to appear at this time. The man had a long beard in white, and he himself said, "Purple gas came to Wan Li from the east, and saints went west to pass through here. Qingniu slowly carries the old man and hides. " Yin also knows the identity of Lao Tzu, but at that time she wondered if this person could be Lao Tzu. At that time, I immediately cleaned up and prepared to see Lao Zi. I didn't expect Lao Tzu to come slowly before long. Riding an ox, Yin also shone at the moment. He met a man he had never seen in his life.
At this time, I was also very nervous, that is, I ran very fast, making two steps in three steps, and soon I ran to Lao Tzu's face to see him. Originally, I wanted to stay, but I must be very busy, so I left a copy of Tao Te Ching for Yin. I didn't expect Yin to be smart, too. After three years, when I came back, I found that he had really learned a lot, so I accepted him as an apprentice.