From-Mencius' Mencius Teng Wengong during the Warring States Period.
Original: The prince turned against Chu and saw Mencius again. Mencius said: Do you doubt my words? It's just the husband's way. Cheng Shuo said, Qi Jinggong said: the other, the husband also; Me, my husband, I He Wei? Yan Yuan said: Shun He? People are also; For what? People are also. Promising people, too.
Gong said: Wen Wang, my teacher; Did Duke Zhou bully me? Today's Teng, learn from each other's strengths, will be five miles away, and can still live in peace. The book says: if the medicine is not dazzling, the disease will not die.
The prince returned from Chu and came to see Mencius again. Mencius said: Do you doubt my words? This is the only reason. Cheng Shuo said to Qi Jinggong: He is a man; I am a man, too. What am I afraid of? Yan Yuan said: What is Shun? People. What am I? So are people. People who can make a difference can be like him.
Gong said: Wang Wen is my teacher; Duke Zhou won't lie to me at all! Now Tengguo's nearly 50-mile-square land can still be governed into a good country. The history book says: medicine can't make the patient dizzy, and the disease can't be cured.
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Brief introduction of the author
Mencius (about 372 BC-289 BC) was born in Zouguo (now Zoucheng, Jining, Shandong) during the Warring States Period.
A famous philosopher, thinker, politician and educator in the Warring States period, one of the representatives of Confucianism, was second only to Confucius, and was also called "Confucius and Mencius" with Confucius. Advocating "benevolent government", he first put forward the idea that "the people are more expensive than the monarch".
Han Yu listed Mencius as a Confucian figure who inherited the Confucian orthodoxy in the pre-Qin period in The Original Road. In the Yuan Dynasty, Mencius was named "Elegant Gong Sheng Chen Shu" and honored as "Elegant Saint". Mencius is a collection of essays compiled by Mencius' disciple * *, which advocates "benevolence-oriented".
Representative works include "I want what I want" and "If you get it, you will get more help, and if you lose it, you will get less help". Born in sorrow, died in happiness, wealth can't be immoral, fish is what I want, and I am in the countryside, all of which are compiled into middle school Chinese textbooks.
Mencius is a collection of Mencius' speeches by Mencius and his disciples. It records Mencius' language, political opinions (benevolent politics, Wang Ba's debate, people-oriented, respecting the right and wrong of the monarch, and valuing the people over the monarch) and political actions. It is a Confucian classic. His theoretical starting point is the theory of good nature, which puts forward "benevolent governance" and "kingly governance" and advocates rule by virtue.
In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu called Mencius, The Analects of Confucius, Daxue and The Doctrine of the Mean the Four Books.
Baidu encyclopedia-Mencius