The old pioneer lost his horse-a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise.
He who is near the edge is skilled, and the horse dies for no reason. Everyone hung up, and his father said, "Why isn't this a blessing?" After living for several months, his horse returned to Hu. Everyone congratulated him, and his father said, "Why can't this be a disaster?" Money at home is a good horse, and a son is easy to ride. He broke his beard when he fell. Everyone hung up, and his father said, "Why isn't this a blessing?" After living for a year, the Hu people entered the fortress, and the Dingzhuang people played with strings. The man near the fort, the deceased was nineteen. This alone is lame. Father and son protect each other. Therefore, blessing is a curse, and curse is a blessing, which is extremely unpredictable and unfathomable.