Paranoid psychotherapy

Paranoid psychosis is best treated, otherwise it will hurt family and friends, so how to treat paranoid psychosis?

The treatment of paranoid psychosis is to take some traditional Chinese medicines, such as Ditan Decoction, Qinlian Wendan Decoction and Crazy Dream Star. And also do psychological counseling, without discrimination, without increasing the psychological pressure of patients. Because most of these patients are sensitive and suspicious, one-on-one psychotherapy can be given, and the therapist should treat the patients with sympathy. The treatment focuses on the main pain caused by patients' delusions and beliefs.

Usually, the main cause of mental illness is mental confusion. Sometimes, when you have an attack, you will be excited, unable to control yourself, or anxious, fearful and indifferent. A large number of investigations and experimental studies show that most mental diseases are related to genetic factors. Some of these mental diseases are also very clear in genetic mode, such as familial amaurosis, phenylketonuria, Huntington's chorea, congenital stupidity, hepatolenticular degeneration, schizophrenia and so on. However, the onset of some mental diseases will be influenced by genetic factors, but the extent of the influence of genetic factors is uncertain, and there is no exact genetic mode, such as hysteria.