Qu Yuan's surname is Ping, and Chu's surname is Ping. Chu Huaiwang's left disciple. Knowledgeable, strong-willed, know how to control chaos and be good at rhetoric. When he entered the DPRK, he negotiated with the king about state affairs and gave orders; When you go out, you have to meet guests and deal with princes. Wang is willing to do it.
Shangguan doctors are in the same column, competing for favor and hurting ability. Chu Huaiwang made Qu Yuan a constitutional decree, but Qu Ping's draft was undecided. When the Shangguan doctor saw it and tried to take it away, Qu Ping refused, saying, "Everyone knows that you made Qu Ping an expensive order. Every time I give an order, I will be firm and say,' I can't do it without doing it'. " The king was angry and shunned Qu Ping.
King Chu Ping refuses to listen to his illness, flatters him to hide his knowledge, and evil songs do harm to all. Fang Zhengzhi couldn't stand it, so he wrote Li Sao, with sadness and meditation. People who are "Li Sao" still have a lingering fear. The husband of heaven, beginning of life; Parents are the foundation of people. If you are poor, you will be extremely tired, extremely tired. The illness was terrible, so I did not hesitate to call my parents. It is a pity that Qu Ping went straight on the right path, exhausted his loyalty and wisdom, and served the monarch. Believe and see doubt, be loyal and slander, can you have no complaints? Qu Ping's work Li Sao is self-reproach.
The "national wind" is lewd but not lewd, and "Xiaoya" is resentful but not chaotic. If you write Li Sao, it can be said that it is both. Said Di Ku, the next Qi Huan, soup, martial arts, stab the world. The morality of the Ming Dynasty is broad and respected, and it is consistent to control chaos. His words are implicit, his ambition is clean, and his actions are mean. As the saying goes, a small article has a big meaning, and it has a far-reaching impact. Its ambition is pure, so it is called fragrant; It is cheap, so it is not allowed to die.
Qu Ping was short, and the late Qin Dynasty wanted to cut Qi, and Qi and Chu were close to each other, benefiting the king. Therefore, Zhang Yi was asked to go to the State of Qin in detail, and Hou Qian entrusted this task to the State of Chu. He said: "Qin hates Qi and is close to Chu. Chu is absolutely qi, and Qin is willing to offer 600 miles of commercial land. " Being insatiable and believing in Zhang Yi, he is absolutely Qi, making him like Qin. Zhang Yi lied: "It's about six miles with you, but six hundred miles is unknown."
Chu made him very angry and returned to Wang Huai. The king of Qi was furious, and Daxing division attacked Qin. When Qin Fa-bing attacked, he defeated Hexi of Chu, beheaded 80,000 people, captured the generals of Chu and occupied Hanzhong. Wang Huai was told that he sent China soldiers to attack Qin deeply and fight in Lantian. Wei attacked Chu and Deng. Chu soldiers were afraid and came back from Qin. But Qi was angry, and Chu was trapped without saving it.
Next year, Qin will cut the land of Hanzhong and make peace with Chu. The king of Chu said, "If you don't want to get the land, you'd better get Zhang Yi." Upon hearing this, Zhang Yiwen said, "Take Yizhi as the land of Hanzhong, please go far to Chu." For example, the state of Chu also set up sophistry in its favorite place because of the minister of Shanxi merchants with thick coins. Chu Huaiwang listened to Zheng Xiu and released Yi Cheung. At that time, since Qu Yuan was sparse and powerless, he asked him to look back at Qi and remonstrate with Chu Huaiwang, saying, "Why not kill Zhang Yi?" Wang Huai regrets, chasing yi cheung, not as good as.
Later governors * * * attacked Chu, broke it and killed Tang Yi. When the king married Chu, he wanted to meet him. Wang Huai wanted to do this, and Qu Ping said, "The state of Qin, a land of tigers and wolves, cannot be trusted. It is better not to do it. " Wang Huai's youngest son Zilan advised Wang Xing: "Why not Qin Huan!" Die pregnant with the king. After entering Wuguan, Qin's ambush never caught up with him, because he was pregnant with the king in order to cede territory. Wang Huai was angry and refused to listen. Zhao is dead, but Zhao is not in it. After the restoration of Qin, he died in Qin and was buried.
Wang Li, the eldest son, married his disciple Lan. The Chu people blamed Zilan for persuading Wang Huai to enter Qin without opposing it. Although Qu Ping was jealous, he still let go, cared about Chu and the king of Chu, and never forgot to turn against him. I'm glad one of you realized that a custom has changed. It defends the monarch and rejuvenating the country, but wants to recover. In an article, there are three goals. However, there is nothing to do and it cannot be violated. This is a way for a pawn to see the end of his life.
No one is ignorant, wise and virtuous. He wants to be loyal and self-reliant and help others. However, the so-called loyal ministers are heartless, and the so-called sages are heartless. Chu Huaiwang was confused and deceived by Yi Cheung, and trusted Doctor Shangguan and your son Yin in Quping. He lost his soldiers, died in Qin, and laughed all over the world. I don't know about human disasters.
When Yin heard about it, he flew into a rage. He made Doctor Shangguan shorter than Qu Yuan, and Xiang Wang moved away in a rage. As for Qu Yuan by the river, it was published on the river bank, with a haggard color and a haggard description. When the fisherman saw this scene, he asked, "Isn't this Dr. San Lv? Why are you here? " Qu Yuan said, "The world is cloudy, and I am the only one. Everyone is drunk, I am alone, I can let go. " The fisherman said, "A man is a saint. He can coexist with the world without clinging to things. The world is muddy, why not go with the flow and raise its waves?
Everyone is drunk, why not feed them? Why do you want to shake hands with Yu and let yourself see it? Qu Yuan said, "I heard that the new bather plays the crown and the new bather shakes his clothes. Who can observe with his own body and who can accept it? It's better to bury it in the stomach and ears of a river fish. How can it be white, how can it warm the world? " This is a tribute to Huai Sha. Its words say:
Xi, Xia Meng, Tao Tao, has lush vegetation. Sadness is always sadness, gurgling in the south. You are very quiet, very quiet. Grievance is embarrassing, and embarrassment is long; Affection is effective, condescending is self-inhibition.
I feel awkward, but I don't change it often; Yi Chu is from Xi, and a gentleman is contemptuous. Chapter painting job ink Xi, the previous degree has not changed; It's straight and heavy, filled by adults. A skilled craftsman is not embarrassed. Who's right? Metaphysics is mysterious, which means it has no chapter; I am a little embarrassed, but I think I am ignorant. Turn white to black and think of it as the next one. When the phoenix emperor is in the sky, the chicken dances. Like jade, and the same amount. I didn't know I was hiding my husband's jealousy. Any overload is prosperous, and stagnation is not good;
Huai Jin is rich, but poverty is not. The barking of city dogs is very strange; Fei Jun is suspicious and stubborn. The literary quality is sparse, and the public does not know that I am different; I am a fool, but I don't know what I have. Attach importance to benevolence and attack righteousness, and truly think that you are rich; Zhong Hua can't be embarrassed, but I know I'm calm! In ancient times, water and fire were incompatible. Do you know why? Tang Yu was a long time ago, and I can't admire him. Punish violations and change anger, restrain your heart and strengthen yourself; Leave without moving, the original ambition is like this. When you enter the road, you will feel embarrassed. Worry and sorrow are limited to the truth.
Chaos said: Xiang is endless, gurgling water. The road is quiet and winding, and the road is long and sudden. I am always sad. I always sigh and lament. I know nothing about this world, and people's hearts can't be described by xi. I am affectionate, I am lonely. Bole is dead, how will the horse ride? Life is destiny takes a hand, everyone is wrong. If you are determined to have broad ambitions, what is there to be afraid of? I have been hurt and sad, and I will never sigh. I don't know the world, and my heart is not uncomfortable. Don't love when you know you can't let go of death. Tell sir clearly, I'll think it's almost the same.
So Shi Huai threw himself into Miluo.
After the death of Qu Yuan, followers of Chu, such as Song Yu, Jing Ke, were all called Fu. However, all ancestors dared not directly remonstrate with Qu Yuan in the end. Later, Chu Tian cut it, and it was destroyed by Qin for decades. More than 100 years after Qu Yuan's sinking into Miluo, Jia was born in the Han Dynasty, and he was the teacher of King Changsha. Crossing the Xiangjiang River, throwing books to hang Qu Yuan.
Tai Shigong said, "I have read Li Sao, Tian Wen, Evocation and Mourning, and I feel sad for my ambition. When you were in Changsha, you saw Qu Yuan's self-destruction, but you couldn't help crying. It depends on him. When Jia Sheng hanged him, he accused Qu Yuan of traveling with other materials to his ministers. Which country doesn't allow it, but he ordered it! Reading "The Fu of Ostrich Birds", life and death are the same. If you go into battle lightly, you will lose yourself. " ?
The translation of the original text is as follows:
Qu Yuan's name is Ping, which is the surname of the King of Chu. Become a leftist in Chu Huaiwang. He has a wide range of knowledge, a strong memory, a clear understanding of the principles of state chaos control, and is good at diplomatic rhetoric. Internally, discuss state affairs with the king of Chu and issue orders; Externally, receive guests, socialize, and correctly answer princes of various countries. The king of Chu trusted him very much.
Doctor Shangguan was equal to him and wanted to please the king of Chu, so he was jealous of Qu Yuan's talent. Chu Huaiwang sent Qu Yuan to formulate national laws, but the draft drafted by Qu Yuan was not finalized. When Shangguan saw it, he wanted to keep it for himself, but Qu Yuan disagreed. Doctor Shangguan slandered him and said, "Everyone knows that the king asked Qu Yuan to make laws. Every time a law is made, Qu Yuan shows off his contribution. " The king of Chu was very angry and alienated Qu Yuan.
Qu Yuan grieved that Chu Huaiwang listened to slanderers and could not tell right from wrong. Chu Huaiwang's insight was obscured by the flatterer of the monarch, the villain with bad conduct harmed the country, and the honest man was not allowed by the slanderers of the bad monarch, so he was sad and thoughtful, so he wrote Li Sao. "Li Sao" means to encounter sorrow. Heaven is the origin of man; Parents are the foundation of people. When people are in trouble, they always think of God and their parents (hoping to help them), so when people are tired, there is no one who does not call on God.
When you are sick and sad, no one does not call your parents. Qu Yuan was just and upright, serving his monarch with all his loyalty and wisdom, but he was alienated by villains. It can be said that the situation at that time was very difficult. Honesty is suspected and loyalty is vilified. Can there be no resentment? Qu Yuan wrote Li Sao because of resentment. The national style in The Book of Songs is to write about the love between men and women without overdoing it. Xiaoya has a grudge, but she is not directly angry. Qu Yuan's Li Sao has the beauty of both.
(He) mentioned ancient Di Ku, modern Qi Huangong, medieval Shang Tang and Zhou Wuwang, and satirized contemporary society with these things of ancient emperors. There is nothing incomplete about clarifying lofty morality and dealing with chaotic order. His articles are concise, implicit in language, noble in interest and upright in behavior. As far as its writing is concerned, it is just an ordinary thing, but its main idea is great, and it lists recent events, but its significance is very far-reaching.
His taste is noble and noble, so he uses beauty and grass as metaphors in his works; His behavior is honest, so he won't die.
He automatically stays away from muddy water, like a cicada's shell, gets rid of the polluted environment, thus getting rid of the secular, not contaminated with the dirt of the secular, maintaining the purity of mud without dyeing, and praising this ambition, even if it competes with the sun and the moon.
Qu Yuan was removed from office. Later, the State of Qin prepared to attack the State of Qi, and the State of Qi and the State of Chu formed a vertical alliance and got along well with each other. This is what Qin is worried about. Zhang Yi was sent to pretend to break away from the State of Qin and give gifts and tokens to the King of Chu. He said to Chu Huaiwang, "Qin hates Qi, but Qi and Chu are married. If Chu can really break up with Qi, Qin is willing to offer a land of 600 miles between Shang and Yu. "
Chu Huaiwang became greedy, trusted Zhang Yi, broke with Qi, and then sent messengers to Qin to accept the land. Zhang Yi denied it and said, "I agreed with the King of Chu that it was only 60 Li, but I have never heard of it."
The emissary of Chu left Qin angrily and went back to report. Chu Huaiwang was furious and sent troops to crusade against Qin. Qin sent troops to fight back. In Danshui and Xishui, the Chu army killed 80,000 people and captured Qu Kun, the general of Chu State, alive, thus seizing the Hanzhong area of Chu State. Chu Huaiwang also mobilized troops from all over the country to attack Qin deeply and fight in Lantian. The Chu army dared not retreat from the state of Qin. Qi didn't come to the rescue because he hated Chu, who was in an extremely embarrassing situation. In the second year, Qin cut the land of Hanzhong and made peace with Chu.
King Chu said, "I don't want land, I just want Zhang Yi." After hearing this, Zhang Yi said, "Make a land of Hanzhong with Zhang Yi, and I request to go to Chu."
When he arrived in the State of Chu, he bribed the Shanxi merchants, the minister of the dynasty, with a lot of gifts, and made up a set of lies in front of the king's pet Zheng Xiu. Chu Huaiwang listened to Zheng Xiu and let Yi Cheung go. At this time, Qu Yuan had been alienated and not served in Korea, but was sent to Qi. When he came back, he advised Chu Huaiwang to say, "Why not kill Zhang Yi?" Chu Huaiwang regretted that it was too late to send someone to kill Yi Cheung.
Later, the governors of various countries jointly attacked Chu, defeated the Chu army and killed Tang Mei, the general of Chu. At this time, Qin Zhao, the king of Chu, married the king of Chu and asked to meet Chu Huaiwang. When Chu Huaiwang was leaving, Qu Yuan said, "Qin is a land of tigers and wolves. You can't trust it. It is better not to go. " Zilan, Chu Huaiwang's youngest son, advised Chu Huaiwang to go, saying, "How can we break off diplomatic relations with Qin!" Chu Huaiwang finally went. As soon as he entered Wuguan, he was cut off by the ambush of Qin, so he detained him and forced him to cede territory.
Chu Huaiwang was very angry and refused to listen to Qin's threats. He fled to Zhao, who refused to accept him. I had to go to the state of Qin again, and finally died in the state of Qin, and the body was transported back to Chu for burial.
Chu Huaiwang's eldest son Qing Xiang acceded to the throne and appointed his younger brother Zilan as Lingyin. Chu people complained about Zilan because he suggested that Wang Huai enter the State of Qin, but he didn't come back in the end. Qu Yuan also resented Zilan. Although he was exiled, he still loved Chu, thought of Wang Huai and never forgot to return to the imperial court. He hoped that the monarch would wake up one day and the secular world would change one day. Qu Yuan cared about the king of Chu and wanted to revitalize the country and change the situation in Chu. This idea is repeatedly expressed in every work.
However, I was helpless in the end, so I couldn't go back to court. As you can see, Wang Huai never realized.
No monarch, whether stupid or wise, wise or fatuous, does not want to seek loyal ministers to serve him or select talents to assist him. However, the destruction of the country has occurred one after another, and the number of generations of wise monarchs governing the country has not appeared. This is because the so-called loyal ministers are not unfaithful, and the so-called virtuous ministers are not virtuous.
Chu Huaiwang was confused by Zheng Xiu at home because he didn't understand the position of loyal minister, and was deceived by Yi Chang outside, alienating Qu Yuan and trusting doctors Shangguan and Ling. His army was defeated, his land was cut, he lost six counties, he was detained and died in the state of Qin, and he was laughed at by the whole world. This is not understanding the harm of people. Yin was very angry when he learned that Qu Yuan hated him, and finally let Doctor Shangguan speak ill of Qu Yuan in front of Xiang Wang. King Xiang was furious and exiled Qu Yuan.
Qu Yuan came to the river, curled his hair, and walked along Shui Ze chanting. His face was haggard and his body looked as lifeless as a dead tree. When the fisherman saw him, he asked, "Aren't you Dr. San Lv? Why did you come here? " Qu yuan said: "the world is turbid, but I am innocent;" Everyone was drunk, and I was the only one awake. So he was exiled. "The fisherman said," The wise people in Tessa are not bound by external things, but can change with the world.
The whole world is overcast, why not follow the crowd and add fuel to the fire? Everyone is drunk, why not eat some distiller's grains and drink some thin wine? Why embrace the quality of Meiyu, but let yourself be exiled? Qu Yuan said, "I heard that people who have just washed their hair must shake the dust off their hats, and people who have just taken a shower must shake the dust off their clothes. Who can let his innocent body be polluted by foreign objects? I'd rather throw myself into a flowing river and bury myself in the belly of a river fish.
After Qu Yuan's death, there were some people in Chu State, such as Song Yu, Jing Ke, who all loved literature and were praised for being good at writing Fu. But they all imitate Qu Yuan's euphemism, and no one dares to directly remonstrate. Since then, Chu has been shrinking, and after several decades, it was finally destroyed by Qin. More than 0/00 years after Qu Yuan sank into the Miluo River/KLOC, there was a Jia Yi in the Han Dynasty who was a teacher of Changsha King. When passing by Xiangshui, I wrote a tribute to Qu Yuan.
Tai Shigong said: I read Li Sao, Tian Wen, Evocation and Mourning, and I am sorry that his ambition cannot be realized. When I arrived in Changsha, after Qu Yuan sank, I cried and missed him. When I saw Jia Yi's article, I blamed Qu Yuan for lobbying the vassals with his talents. Which country would not give in, but chose such a path! After reading Fu to the Bird, I treated life and death equally, and thought that being demoted and appointed was not important, and I felt lost again.