What kind of medicine is sulfasalazine and what is its main function?

The anti-rheumatic mechanism of sulfasalazine (SASP) is unclear, which may be achieved by inhibiting some antigenic substances in the intestine by phosphoramidite pyridine, such as its therapeutic effect on the immune process of ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis. After taking the drug 12 weeks, the activated lymphocytes in circulation decreased, and the titer levels of lgM and lgG RF also decreased. It was observed in vitro that the response of lymphocytes to various stimuli decreased obviously under the action of this drug, so it was considered that this drug had the ability to change the immune process. Its anti-inflammatory effect may also be through its salicylic acid component, scavenging oxygen free radicals and inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandin and leukotriene. It is also possible that, like MTX, SASP promotes the accumulation of adenosine, an anti-inflammatory molecule in cells. After 4 months of administration, IgA and IgG in blood decreased in parallel with the decrease of IL-6 concentration.

It is suggested that patients should not take such drugs for a long time, or go to the hospital for specific examination, clarify the cause and do targeted treatment. I suggest going to Kang Hua Ankylosing Spondylitis Hospital.