What is the number of Chinese characters in Shuo Wen Jie Zi?

How many words are actually included in Shuo Wen Jie Zi? Not 9353 words, but 9345 words. Because some words in Shuowen are repeatedly included, for example, the word "bu" has been included twice, appearing in "bu" and "kou" respectively. Remove a repeated word "no" and the number of words actually included in Shuowen will be reduced by one. Can confirm the repeated words: right, ao, yi, kai, wrong, no, blow, ***8.

Subtract 8 from 9353, and the book Shuo Wen Jie Zi actually contains 9345 words.

For more discussion about Shuowen Jiezi, please refer to the books Quick Introduction to Seal Characters and Introduction to Shuowen Jiezi.