Sanskrit ks! Ann! One, Barry Khan! Answer: And make a fork. Free translation in an instant, reading, that is, the beginning of one thought, synonymous with one meaning, single reading. It means instant, which is the smallest unit of time.
According to the theory of giving up everything for twelve years, one hundred and twenty moments is one moment (Van tat -ks! Ann! A), 60 minutes to tie a wax (Van Laval, also known as Luo Yu), 30 minutes to tie a M Hu Li duo (Van ·muhu^rta, translated as a moment), 30 M Hu Li duo is a day and night. A moment is about 0.0 13 of a second today.
(2) According to the 17-year law of Maha Monk, twenty thoughts are a moment, twenty is a moment, twenty refers to one Luo Yu (wax), twenty Luo Yu is a moment, and thirty is a day and night. I think it's about 0.0 18 seconds today.
(3) or a moment is different from an idea. According to the concept of emptiness in Wang Ren's Scriptures (translated by Kumarajiva), ninety moments are one thought; According to the past life theory, 60 moments is an idea.
(4) according to the "great wisdom" volume 30, volume 83, 60 words is a flick of a finger; According to the theory of giving up everything in twelve years, sixty-five moments is a flick of a finger.
(5) According to the order of day and night, one day, half a day, a moment, a moment, a moment, a moment, a moment, a moment, etc. Volume 347 of Mahayana Sutra mentions that an instant is roughly equivalent to an instant (between the first and the second, that is, before or after breakfast).
(6) According to the concept of empty goods in Wang Ren's book (translated by Kumarajiva), there are 900 births and deaths in a moment; According to the annotation of past life theory, there are 10 1 birth and death in a moment.
In addition, instant birth and death is called instant birth and death or instant impermanence. The present moment is called the present, the previous moment is called the past, and the next moment is called the future. This is instant III. [On Da Pi Po Sha Juan 136, Za Ya Da Mo Xin Xue Volume 2, Shun Zheng Lun Volume 32, Hua Yan Jing Exploration Volume 18]
Examples are recorded in Buddhist scriptures. A snap of your fingers represents twenty moments, a moment represents twenty thoughts, a moment represents twenty breaths, a breath represents sixty moments, and a moment represents nine hundred birth and death.