"Good as water" comes from the eighth chapter of Laozi's Tao Te Ching: "Good as water. Water is an indisputable good thing. " Laozi said: "Being good as water, water is good for all things without dispute, which is the virtue of modesty;" Therefore, Jiang Hai can be the king of all the valleys, and if he is good at it, he can also be the king of all the valleys. Therefore, softness is stronger than rigidity, and weakness is stronger than firmness. Because it has nothing, it can enter nothingness, so it can be seen that teaching without words is also beneficial. "
There is a saying in the Book of Changes that "virtuous people carry things". The original text is: "Heaven is healthy, and gentlemen are constantly striving for self-improvement; The terrain is rich, and the gentleman carries things with morality. " "The terrain is rich, and the gentleman carries things with morality" means that people are smart and stupid, just like the terrain is uneven and the soil is fertile and barren. Farmers will not stop farming because the land is barren, and gentlemen will not give up education because of stupidity. There is nothing more tangible between heaven and earth than the earth, and there is nothing that is not borne by the earth. Therefore, a gentleman should follow the example of Kun in his life. No matter who is smart, stupid or mean, we should be tolerant and tolerant. "Carrying things by virtue" is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation. A person should be open-minded, ambitious, strict with himself and tolerant of others.