Explain the word orange and how to pronounce the meaning of the word orange.

Orange English ['? r? n(d)? ]? Beauty ['? r? nd? ]?

Orange; oranges and tangerines

Orange; Orange; orange


Orange juice? orange juice

Orange peel? Orange peel; Orange peel wrinkle

Methyl orange? Methyl orange; An orange

Sweet orange? sweet orange

Navel orange? navel orange

Extended data


1, orange

[? :' r? nti? ]?

Golden orange yellow; Dipropylamine ammonium salt

Orange; oranges and tangerines


Orange-yellow nose butterfly? Golden toe bat

Mitra aurantia? Golden snail

Alternaria olentia? Alternaria orange

2. Fructus Aurantii

Orange; oranges and tangerines


Halococcus? Red sea squirt

Hey? Latin scientific name

Nerolin? Golden snail