Who put forward the idea that the benevolent loves himself?

A benevolent person loves himself.

Xunzi proposed it.

In fact, from Xunzi's Xunzi Zidao, Lutz entered and said, "Who is benevolent?" Lutz said to him, "The benevolent makes people love themselves." Confucius said, "You are a scholar." When Zi Gong entered, Confucius said, "If you give, what about the benevolent?" Zi Gong said to him, "The benevolent loves others." Confucius said, "You are a gentleman." When Yan Yuan entered, Confucius said, "What about the benevolent?" Yan Yuan said to him, "The benevolent loves others." Confucius said, "A gentleman is also a gentleman."

According to the principle of harmony between two hearts, selfish desire, that is, so-called selfishness or "human desire" as Confucius said, comes from biological instinct and is the fundamental driving force for the spirit of all things to play a role in spiritual creation and seek survival, enjoyment and development. Mencius has a saying: "People always say that' the foundation of the world is in the country, the foundation of the country is at home, and the foundation of the family is in the body'."

The importance of the individual standard in Mencius Li Lou II and the truth that the individual is the root of the family, the country and the world can never be understood here. However, if selfishness tends to be extremely selfish at the expense of others and becomes a selfish heart synonymous with solipsism (Confucius called it "greed"), then it is the root of all evil that drives mental ability to be used in crime. The result of the combination of selfishness and spirituality is bound to be the opposite of harming others and self-interest. People who really know how to love themselves should guard against the vicious development of self-interest in the direction of selfish crime, realize that "cooperation is better than no cooperation", consciously carry forward altruistic love (public interest is above all else), and seek the right path in the world in order to obtain the greatest benign self-interest interests. This is the origin of moral concept and the essence of "gentleman" personality.