1, the original text of "more help, less help":
Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are outmatched by terrestrial advantages, which in turn are outmatched by the harmony among people. The city of three miles, the country of seven miles, was invincible when attacked by the Lord of the Rings. If the husband attacks it, it will be the right time, and if it is invincible, it will be the right place. The city is not too high, the pond is not too deep, the army is not very profitable, and there is not much rice, so it is not as good as people and peace.
Therefore, the people in the territory do not take the border, the country does not take the risk of mountains and rivers, and the benefits of the world do not take the benefits of war. Those who gain the Tao help more, while those who lose the Tao help less. If there is less help and more help from relatives, the world will be smooth sailing. Take advantage of the world and attack your relatives. A gentleman wins without fighting.
The weather season that is conducive to combat is not comparable to the geographical situation that is conducive to combat, and the geographical situation that is conducive to combat is not comparable to the people's hearts and internal unity in combat. Fiona Fang Li San's inner city and Fiona Fang Qili's outer city surrounded and attacked it, but they could not win. Through the siege, we certainly got a favorable weather season, but we can't win.
This is because the weather season that is conducive to combat is not as good as the geographical situation that is conducive to combat. The city wall is not high, the moat is not deep, the weapons and equipment are not bad, and the food supply is not insufficient. But the defenders still abandoned the city and fled. This is because the geographical situation is not as good as people's hearts and internal unity.
Therefore, it is impossible to rely on the boundaries of the territory to let the people settle down and not move to other places. We cannot rely on mountains and rivers to consolidate national defense, nor can we rely on the sharpness of weapons to shock the world. There are many people who help a benevolent monarch, but few people support him who don't. Few people support and help him, even his brothers and sisters will betray him. With so many people supporting and helping him, everyone in the world will submit to him.
On the condition that all the people in the world submit to him, he attacked the helpless king who betrayed him even by his brothers and sisters. Therefore, the benevolent king wins without fighting.
2. The original text of "Wealth Can't Be Prostituted"
Jingchun said, "Do Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi really believe that when people are angry, all the princes are afraid and the world will die?" Mencius said, "A gentleman is a gentleman. If you don't learn to be polite to your son, you will be crowned by your husband. When you marry the woman your father ordered, I will send you to the door, warning you:' When you go to a woman's house, respect and forbid it, and don't disobey your master!' "Obedience is the right path, and it is also a concubine. Live in a vast place in the world, stand in the right position in the world and be the best self in the world.
If you succeed, you will be frustrated with the people and go your own way. Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent. This is called a gentleman.
Jingchun said, "Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi really ambitious, accomplished and honest people? When they were angry, the governors were afraid. When they are quiet, the world will stop fighting and nothing will happen. " Mencius said: "How can this be regarded as an ambitious and accomplished person? Haven't you learned manners? Men are crowned, daughters are married, fathers discipline them, mothers discipline them and deliver them to their homes.
Admonish her:' When you get to your husband's house, you must be respectful, be careful and don't disobey him!' Obedience is a rule that women follow. A gentleman should live in the widest house in the world-benevolence, stand in the most correct position in the world-courtesy, and take the widest road in the world-righteousness. When you can realize your ideal, follow the people on the right path. When you can't achieve your ideal, go your own way alone.
Wealth cannot confuse his thoughts, poverty cannot shake his integrity, and power cannot bend his will. This is an ambitious and accomplished man. "
3, "born in sorrow, died in happiness" the original:
Shun was born in mu, Fu Shuo was born in the middle of the building, and the glue was in fish and salt. Guan Yi I was a scholar, Sun Shuai was in the sea, and a hundred miles was in the city. Therefore, when the sky falls, people must first suffer their minds, their bones and muscles, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and mess around. Therefore, patience has benefited them a lot.
People are unchangeable, then you can change your mind, balance your worries, then use colors as signs, use sounds, and then use metaphors. A country, if there are no ministers and wise men who can assist the king, will often be in danger of the collapse of its neighboring countries and the misfortunes from abroad. Then I know that I was born in sorrow and died in happiness.
Shun was appointed to farm fields, build walls, sell fish and salt, be rescued from prison officials and be appointed, Sun Shuai was appointed from a secluded place on the seashore, and Prissy was redeemed from the slave market and appointed.
Therefore, if God wants to put the heavy responsibility on this man, he must first distress his mind, make him tired, starve him, make him poor, make him do bad things, shock his mind, make his character persevere and increase his talents that he didn't have before. A person often makes mistakes in order to correct his inner confusion later.
Think about the congestion, and then you can make a difference on your face. Only when it is revealed in words can it be understood. If a country does not have a minister who abides by the laws and a sage who can assist the king at home, a country with no influence and equal status abroad will become a disaster, and such a country will often go to extinction. Only in this way can we know that living in hardship and disaster can make people live, and living in ease and happiness can make people die.