The original text is as follows: Wei Wenhou asked Bian Que, "Who is the best doctor in Zi Kundi?" Bian Que said: "The eldest brother is the best, the second brother is the second, and Bian Que is the last." Wei Wenhou said, "Can you smell it?" Bian Que said, "The eldest brother took care of God because of his illness, but God is intangible, so he is not from home, and the middle brother is not careful in treating his illness, so he cannot be named. If Bian Que, his blood is poisonous, he is a famous vassal. This passage is straightforward. Bian Que thinks that my eldest brother has the highest medical skill, followed by my second brother, so I can only rank third. Why am I the most famous? My eldest brother treated the disease before he got sick. Because most people don't know that he can eradicate the cause in advance, his fame can't spread, only our family knows. My brother treated this disease at the early stage of his illness. Most people think that he can only cure minor illnesses, so his fame is limited to his own village. And I, Bian Que, treated my illness when it was very serious. Most people have seen me perform major operations, such as bloodletting and skin medication, so I think my medical skills are brilliant and my reputation has spread all over the country. "