2 Annotate the terms of winning luck. Refers to winning qi and restoring qi, that is, winning qi and restoring qi. On Su Wen and Wu Dayun: "The qi of heaven and earth is better than recovery, but not in the form of diagnosis." The classic: "Six Qi ups and downs are not frequent, and victory is repeated." One year later, if there are too many successes in the first half, there should be an opposite recovery in the second half. For example, the hot air was high in the first half of the year, and there was cold retaliation in the second half. For example, in the fifth game, a certain luck wins, that is, there is another luck to retaliate. For example, wood is not as good as luck, gold is not as good as wood, wood sinks fire, and fire can win gold, which is called recovery. The general law of victory and recovery is that whoever wins first must recover later to repay his victory. The ancients used the theory of victory and recovery to explain the phenomenon of natural climate competition, and then discussed the relationship between disease prevalence, incidence, prognosis and treatment. On Su Wen's Theory of Truth: "If you treat everything successfully, the cold will be hot and the hot will be cold ... This treatment is generally like this."
Victory lies in the ancient book Huangdi Neijing Annotation: [Volume 8] Chapter 71 Six yuan is Zhou. Therefore, it was named Liu's Collection of Great Theories. The yellow emperor asked. Six transformations. The treatment of defeating evil. Bitter is bitter, salty is sour. One after another I know nothing about it. (Liu Hua, Weiss) ...
"Yellow Emperor Su Wen": [Volume 7] Chapter 73 of Six Yuan Ji Zheng is called "Six Yuan Ji Zheng", hence the name. The Yellow Emperor asked, "I know the six transformations, the six changes, the victory over the treatment of lewdness, bitterness, bitterness, salty and sour." The transformation of five movements, or ...
Outline of Medicine: [Volume 40: Notes on Luck in Neijing] General theory of five movements and six qi, turning into yin and turning into spirit. In addition, it is true that the meaning of the sea is not unified and there is no victory; Ugly Mao's son Shen's opposition turned into emptiness and victory appeared. The scripture explained by this son, ...
Huangdi's Internal Classic: [Volume 21] Six Jacky Ji Da Lun Article 71 Huangdi asked, "Six transformations and six changes are better than obscenity. There is bitterness in bitterness, and there is acid in salt. I know it." The transformation of husband's five movements, or from five qi, or against the weather, or from the weather. ...
Interpretation of Su Wenjing: [Chapter IV] On Six Yuan Ji Zheng