His son said that the victory lies in Wu. Zixi wanted to call him, and Ye Gong said (5), "I believe in victory, but I am brave, so it's not bad. Give up the sides and make Fan Wei (6). " Ye Gong said: "Zhou Ren's righteousness means faith (7) and righteousness means courage (8). I'm not afraid to reply when I'm sure of victory (9) but it's almost a personal act to ask for death (10)? Repeat, don't believe; Whether you are brave or not (1 1). The child will regret it! " From it, call it, and make Jason Wu a white male.
Please reprimand Zheng, and Confucius said, "Chu is unfaithful (12). Otherwise, I won't forget. " Please come again another day, promise me. Jin people attacked Zheng before the teacher started. Chu saved it and made an alliance with it. Suffer humiliation and say, "When Zheng people come, revenge is not far away."
The son of Zi Qi, who defeated Gigi Lai's sword (13), said, "Why did Wang Sun want to make his own calendar (14)?" Yue: "It's not so much a woman as the truth. What is the truth? " ( 15)? Will kill your father. "Pingyi sued Zixi. Zi Xi said: "victory is like an egg, it grows with its wings." Chu, I died for the first time (16). Who will win, Yin or Sima? "He listened and said," Your Yin is crazy! It's not me who died (17). "Zixi Buqi (18).
The winner said, (19): "Wang He (20), both 500 people. Then you can. " Say, "You can't get it." He said: "There are bears suitable for current in the south of the city. If you get them, you can be 500 people! " It can be seen from the white man (2 1). By contrast, for example. Tell the reason and resign. If you take it with a sword, you will win: "Not for profit (22), not for arrogance (23), not for flattery." Work hard
Wu attacked Shen (24) and Bai Gong defeated him. Please provide (25) readiness, promise it, and then create a crisis. In autumn and July, the son was killed in the west, the son was in the dynasty, and the king robbed (26). Zixi smiled and hid his face and died (27). Confucius said, "I used to serve you with my strength, but I couldn't finish it." Judge yu zhang killed and then died (28). Shi Qi said, "Burn down the warehouse and kill the king. Otherwise, it will be bad. " Bai Gongzheng: "No way. Killing the king is ominous, and burning warehouses does not gather (29). How can we keep it? " He begged, "If there is a Chu state to govern its people and serve God, you will be lucky and get together." What's the problem? ".
Lord Ye was offering a sacrifice, and everyone outside the square said, "You can go in." Gao Zi said: "I have heard that people who take risks by luck (30) don't ask for anything in return (3 1), and biased people will leave (32)." I heard that he killed Qi Bian (33) and went in.
Bai Gong wants his son Lu to be king (34), but if Lu can't do it, he will rob the soldiers. Lutz said, "If Wang Sun pacifies Chu and corrects the royal family, no matter what happens to Chu, he will die." Then kill it and take Wang Rugao (35). Shi Qi Silver Gate (36). Take the acupoint palace (37) and choose the king as Lady Zhao Palace (38).
Ye Gong also arrived at the North Gate, but he still met him and said, "Are you stubborn?" ? People in China look at you as if they were their parents. If a thief shoots an arrow at the king, it is absolutely unpopular. If not, why not? "It's the stomach, and went in. I met another man and said, Zhou? When people in China look at you, if they look at your age (40), the number of days is (4 1). If you see your face, this is Ye (42). People know that they are immortals, and husbands are also eager. They will still be loyal to their country (43), but they will hide their faces and make themselves unpopular. What a pity! "Free to enter. Yingu Shuai (44) will be in Baigong (45). Gao Zi said, "I am younger (46). Chu is not a country. "Abandon virtue and follow the thief (47), can you protect it?" From Ye Gong. So that China people can attack white men, and white men will rush to the mountains, which is only a trivial matter (48). Wen ordered the stone to beg for two questions about the death of the white worker (49). Right: "I know where he died, but the elders didn't say anything when they were young (50)." Say, "Don't say anything, just cook!" " Begging said, "If this is done, it will be done. If you don't do it, it's cooked. What harm will there be? " Is to boil stones and beg. Wang went to see Huang (5 1).
Shen Zhuliang and two things (52). Ning Shi is Ling Yin (53), and Sima Kuan (54) is older than Ye (55).