The next sentence of "The beauty of a gentleman is the beauty of an adult" is "The evil of a villain is the evil of a villain." It means that a gentleman with high moral character will accomplish the good deeds of others and will not contribute to the bad deeds of others. A villain is exactly the opposite of a gentleman. It is often used to warn people to behave like a gentleman. The sentence comes from the famous Chinese ancient book "The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan". The author is a disciple of Confucius and his disciples.
"The beauty of a gentleman" is a motto that is still alive today. "The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan": "The beauty of a gentleman is not the evil of a man. The villain is the opposite." It means that a gentleman does good things for others and does not help others do bad things, while a villain does the opposite. Cheng Shude's "The Analects of Confucius" said: "The beauty of adults in the Spring and Autumn Period is the evil of adults." This is an ancient idiom, which is similar to what the Analects of Confucius discusses. It can be concluded that this phrase is not an original creation of Confucianism, but its meaning is the moral standard of the time.
Confucius often compared "gentleman" and "villain", and it is the same here. A gentleman is a person with high moral character and strict self-discipline, while a villain is a person with poor character, lies and confuses right and wrong. Nowadays, among the people, "the beauty of a gentleman as an adult" is often on people's lips, but the second half of Confucius's sentence, "It is not the evil of a man, but the evil of a villain" has disappeared.
Although Confucius’s words are about history books, they describe a major feature of the evolution of an ideology, which is the operability of its content and the ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. These two characteristics are very important in China. Especially prominent in culture. A proverb changes its flavor as it is passed around. Back to this question. "The beauty of a gentleman's adult life", who is a gentleman? "The evil of a villain becomes an adult", who is the villain?