When God created the universe, he created many angels with free will. Angels can choose to obey God and do good, or they can choose to disobey God and do evil. The devil was originally a powerful angel created by God. Because of his high power and position, he became arrogant, competed with God, became an enemy of God, and degenerated into the devil, that is, Satan. The devil also seduced one-third of the angels to rebel against God. They became Satan's messengers, working together to oppose God and seduce people to sin.
How do Christians resist and drive away the devil?
1) Christians must confess their sins and repent to the Lord so that they can be forgiven by the Lord (1 John 1:8-9). We must also rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and live a holy life according to God’s words.
2) Hebrews 1:14-15 Since the children share in the same body of flesh and blood, He (Jesus Christ) Himself also likewise took part in the same body of flesh and blood. In order that through death he might destroy him who has the power of death, that is, the devil. and to set free those who have been enslaved all their lives through fear of death.
3) The Book of Revelation says that children defeat him (the devil) because of the blood of the Lamb (Jesus) and the word of his testimony.
4) The Gospels say that in the name of the Lord Jesus and with the power of the Holy Spirit, demons can be cast out.
Loving Savior Jesus Christ:
Please bear all my sins on the cross, and please wash away me with your precious blood shed on the cross Make me holy and without blemish from all sin.
Lord, you yourself became flesh and blood, and through death on the cross, you destroyed the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil. and to set free those who have been enslaved all their lives through fear of death. May the blood of the Lord prevail! May the holy name of the Lord prevail! May the Holy Spirit show his power and remove all the works of the devil!
Hallelujah, thank the Lord, may the Lord win now!
I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus.