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Temporary Catalog of Genealogy Collection in Shaanxi Region
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《 Instructions for use of "Temporary Catalog of Genealogy Collected in Shaanxi Region"
"Temporary Catalog of Genealogy Collected in Shaanxi Region" *** contains 543 genealogy entries and consists of three parts:
1. "National Genealogy" There are 400 genealogical catalogs included in the General Catalog. The collector's item is marked as "collection area + serial number".
2. 109 pieces of genealogical information recorded in county annals in various regions of Shaanxi. The collector's item is labeled "Clue + Serial Number".
3. There are 34 family trees in Shaanxi included in the "Comprehensive Catalog of Chinese Genealogy" and "Summary of Genealogy Collection in Shanghai Library". The collector items are marked as "Comprehensive, Shanghai + Serial Number".
Readers can use the sorting function and search function of the spreadsheet to search through genealogy, surname, name, publication year, collector and other search methods.
The specific operations are as follows:
The first method: use the sorting function of the spreadsheet. Select the entire table, click Data→Sort, and you can search by browsing. For example, if the surname, genealogy 1, and genealogy 2 are set as the primary keyword, the secondary keyword, and the third keyword respectively, then the family trees of the same surname will be arranged together and concentrated by region. The description table item (i.e. the last item) is the family tree description table and other related detailed information. Point the cursor to the column icon and double-click when the pointer changes to a cross arrow to view the person responsible for the family tree, version, ancestor, collector, etc.
Second method: Click Edit → Find → Enter the search content → Select "By Column" as the search method, click "Find Next", then the relevant cells will be selected, and keep clicking " "Find Next", after finding the required item, double-click the item description table icon to complete a search.